Peg Abbott is the owner and lead guide of Naturalist Journeys, LLC. She has been designing, guiding, and organizing natural history tours for more than 25 years, working for the National Audubon Society and other organizations before launching Naturalist Journeys, LLC in 1998. Her work has taken her from Alaska to Africa and Argentina, as well as many other locations around the world. She has conducted research on several bird and mammal species and keeps a close interest in Yellowstone and Mexican wolf reintroduction projects. Her interests include all aspects of natural history and geology. After 20 years in and around the Yellowstone area, Peg relocated in 2003 to the birding mecca of Portal, AZ.
Photo credit: Carol Simon
All Trips With Peg Abbott ⌄
Vernie fell in love with birding in Southern Arizona in 2011 through his love of photography, starting out with just a camera and guide book. He started guiding in 2021 with his wife’s non-profit S.A.A.W.R. and the Tucson Audubon leading bird outings for people with disabilities. Though Vernie is primarily the Office Administrator at Naturalist Journeys, he does get the chance to guide from time to time. His excitement in seeing a Turkey Vulture (his favorite bird) for the 50th time or a lifer is contagious, and he has a true passion for helping others find, identify, and enjoy birds. As an avid mountain biker, he also started a non-profit focusing on trail maintenance and reopening trails after the devastating fires in the Catalina Mountains in 2003, overseeing thousands of hours of volunteer trail work. His favorite place to be is in Southern Arizona exploring along the Santa Cruz River or high up in one of the Sky Islands.
All Trips With Vernie Aikins ⌄
Mollee is a lifelong lover of birds and nature based in West Virginia. She’s the owner of Nighthawk Agency, which creates custom projects with conservation and ecotourism organizations. Mollee has guided tours throughout the world for the past decade and loves to immerse in the wildlife, flora, and culture of each place she visits. She’s passionate about education as a means to conservation and serves on the boards of organizations including Frontiers in Ornithology and The Birding Co-op. She’s also the producer of Life List: A Birding Podcast and writes for a variety of bird and nature publications.
Mollee has loved photography since she started borrowing her grandma’s camera as a child, and usually has a camera in hand while birding, hiking, camping, and exploring the world. She’s most at home among mountains and hilly terrains.All Trips With Mollee Brown ⌄
Daniel’s passion for photography began at an early age. He worked as an editorial photographer before committing to nature photography 20 years ago. He has been leading photography tours since long before Iceland became a popular photography destination, and shares his skills through workshops in Iceland, Svalbard, and Greenland in the high Arctic.
Daniel is also passionate about birds. He enjoys photographing them and learning through observation. He is actively involved in conservation and has been on the Board of Directors for BirdLife Iceland for 20 years.All Trips With Daniel Bergmann - Iceland Expert ⌄
Ben is a passionate birder and ecologist based on the Atherton Tablelands in Far North Queensland. He has over 30 years birding experience throughout Australia and Internationally and over 25 years involvement in nature-based tourism, including successfully running his own birding tour business for several years. Ben’s easy-going nature and relaxed style somewhat belie his skills and determination in the field. With his knowledge of bird calls and understanding of the habitat requirements of particular species, he can often reveal natural wonders previously hidden to the inexperienced observer.
Photo credit: Inala Nature Tours
All Trips With Ben Blewitt - Australia Expert ⌄
Greg recently retired as the Migratory Species Coordinator for U.S. Forest Service International Programs, working throughout the Western Hemisphere, and as Vice President for Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, serving on the Conservation and Citizen Science committees. He is currently a Board Member for BirdsCaribbean. For his Ph.D. in Zoology at University of Washington, he studied the coloration and behavior of Bullock’s Orioles. Greg studied ecology in Costa Rica with the Organization for Tropical Studies and has worked internationally for the past 20 years. Greg previously worked for the National Audubon Society, American Birding Association, Birder’s World magazine (sadly, now defunct), Partners in Flight, and Cornell Lab of Ornithology. He is a Fellow of the American Ornithological Society (AOS). He has been a birder since he was 11 and has birded in all 50 states and 47 countries.
All Trips With Greg Butcher ⌄
Bryan started birding at Fort Clark Springs in southwest Texas when he was 10 years old and never stopped. He got his first taste of guiding while leading trips for the Rio Brazos Audubon Society during college. After graduating from Texas A&M in 2015 with a degree in genetics, Bryan worked as an avian field biologist on several projects across Texas and New Mexico. Currently residing in Albuquerque as a professional birding tour guide, he leads field tours, workshops, and youth birding programs across the US. In his free time, Bryan enjoys butterflies, searching for herps, photography, art, cooking, and gardening.
All Trips With Bryan Calk ⌄
John Carlson
John’s first polar adventure was in 1994 when he worked as a general laborer at Palmer Station Antarctica. He has spent the last 29 years figuring out ways to continue to visit high latitudes. This has included stints researching Adelie Penguins, conducting biological inventories on the Antarctic Peninsula, participating in bird research efforts in the Bering Sea and northern Baffin Bay, and as a guide/naturalist on many expeditions to the Antarctic continent, as well as to South Georgia and the Falklands and Hudson Bay in the north. John obtained his BA in Zoology from the University of Montana and MS in Zoology and Physiology from the University of Wyoming. He was born and raised in northeastern Montana and has had a strong interest in wildlife in general and birds specifically for as long as he can remember. When he isn’t visiting the ends of the world, he is the Regional Grassland Conservation Coordinator for the US Fish and Wildlife Service Prairie and Mountain Region based in Billings, MT. He was formerly the Branch Chief for Resources and Sage-Grouse Implementation Lead for Montana/Dakotas Bureau of Land Management in Billings. Other relevant positions he has had include Wildlife Biologist with the BLM in Glasgow, MT and the Zoology Program Manager at the Montana Natural Heritage Program in Helena, MT. Additional irrelevant positions include bread store worker, fence builder, and snow shoveler at an Antarctic base. His life in Billings intersects with two teenage boys Benton and Crean and his long-suffering wife Laura. Two Flat-Coated Retrievers in the house, Sage and Quill, keep them all entertained and provide John endless hours of enjoyment each fall chopping cockleburs from their fur.
All Trips With John Carlson ⌄
Ryan Chenery was born and raised in beautiful Barbados! Ryan’s first job on the island took him beneath the waves where he conducted coral reef surveys for the Bellairs Research Institute. Yet it wasn't long before his passion for birds and wildlife on terra firma saw him employed as Chief Naturalist and Eco-Guide Manager at the largest remaining mangrove wetland on Barbados (the Graeme Hall Nature Reserve), and later travelling further afield to conduct field research on birds and amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest and Ecuadorian Amazon.
After being swept off his feet by a Yorkshire Lass, he followed her to England where he continued his passion for “all things birds" with employment at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Here he spent three years at the organization’s internationally renowned seabird reserve Bempton Cliffs, where highlights included kittiwake monitoring in gale-force winds and rescuing disoriented gannets by perching both he and the birds precariously on the edge of 300 ft cliffs - to better allow them to catch enough updraft to head back out to the North Sea! Subsequent employment in the UK saw Ryan take on the role of National Parks Officer at the North York Moors National Park – a position he held for 3 years before returning to Barbados to conduct multi-island wildlife trips full time. Ryan has enjoyed all of the wonderful roles he has undertaken across the globe, but his greatest passion remains leading wildlife adventures through the magical islands of the Lesser Antilles. The tiny island gems will always be his home and he loves nothing better than sharing the unique wildlife, vibrant cultures and untamed wildernesses that each island has to offer with nature enthusiasts from around the world. Oh, and the food, he absolutely loves the island food, and has even been known to also share this...occasionally!Photo credit: The Bajan Birder
All Trips With Ryan Chenery - Caribbean Expert ⌄
Raised in the local Kek’chi Maya community, Steve Choco is one of the top local guides in Belize, and a great resource for visitors exploring on this Southern Belize nature tour. Steve developed his love of nature and his early fascination with wildlife during camping trips with his grandfather in the Belizean bush. Recognized today for his unparalleled birding skills, Steve was the 2017 recipient of the prestigious National Tour Guide of the Year award, given annually by the Belize Tourism Board. Naturalist Journeys relies on Steve and other experts to ensure high quality birding (and cultural) experiences for travelers.
All Trips With Steve Choco - Belize Expert ⌄
Troy has been an avid birder since high school. Raised in rural south-central Pennsylvania, he moved to Arizona in 1980 to pursue higher education and new adventures. For several years he conducted wildlife inventories on the upper San Pedro River for the Bureau of Land Management. He has worked for the nongame Branch of the Arizona Game and Fish Department since 1990, conducting surveys and coordinating projects for species of concern. He coordinated the Arizona Breeding Bird Atlas project from its inception. His passion for birds has taken him as far away as Peru and East Africa, and he plans to increase his world travels.
Photo credit: Hugh Simmons
All Trips With Troy Corman ⌄
Dan Donaldson is an accomplished naturalist-birder based in Northeastern Ohio and has been guiding for Naturalist Journeys for nearly 20 years. Dan has developed his skills while working as a naturalist for a local park district for 25 years as well as with his full-time job as director of the local soil and water conservation district. Acustomed to varied audiences from novices to experts, Dan incorporates much more than just identification in his tours and programs. Dan has led tours for The Nature Conservancy, National Parks Conservation, and other tour companies. While now an international guide, his specialization in birding locales ranges from the Great Lakes to coastal destinations ranging from the Maritime Provinces of Canada and Maine, to the Florida Keys.
All Trips With Dan Donaldson ⌄
Mason is a New Mexico native who started birding at age 11 when his family moved within walking distance of the Richardson Bay Audubon Sanctuary in Tiburon, California. Here, he became an Audubon Junior Naturalist. His love of birding and travel grew through as he moved with his family to Alaska, Ohio, and Vermont, college on the east coast, and a few years trying to eke out a living as a birder/ski bum in Montana and back in New Mexico.
In desperate need of gainful employment, Mason settled in Seattle where he spent most of his career at Microsoft. Mason was able to feed his habit by adding on a day or two of birding to business trips across the US, Europe, and Asia and travel with his family. His wife Suzy, who loves travel but isn’t a birder, is a good sport and jokes that being married to a birder has given her the opportunity to visit sewage treatment ponds around the world.
Mason retired a bit early in 2015 to help fledge his two sons, squeezing in travel and birding between soccer games and band performances. He was thrilled to finally combine his passions and profession when he joined Naturalist Journeys as a consultant in early 2020. Mason has led field trips in Guyana, Peru, Iceland, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, Southeastern Arizona, Minnesota, and South Africa.All Trips With Mason Flint ⌄
Johan Fernández Ramírez has a Diploma in Naturalist Guide and is pursuing a career in Management and Protection of Natural Resources. Johan has worked as a guide since 2003. In 2007 he initiated a research program about the birds of Carara that lead him to start the Christmas Bird Count of Central Pacific of Costa Rica with National Audubon Society. The same year, Johan help organize the Shore Birds Count of Costa Rica, and during the count he recorded Costa Rica’s first Pacific Golden Plover. Johan is also co-founder of the Costa Rican Ornithologists Union, where he actively participates in various bird conservation programs and has conducted several bird inventories in various areas of Costa Rica; he has a great knowledge about the status and distribution of the Costa Rican birds. In 2015, he was selected by Noah Stryker to guide him during his visit to Costa Rica for the Global Big Year and their journey is well described on Noah’s book Birding Without Borders.
All Trips With Johan Fernandez ⌄
A California native who moved to Honduras in 1993 for the Peace Corps, Robert stayed to make a life there, diving headfirst into the world of tropical birds. He is now considered the country's leading authority on both avifauna and butterflies – a double expert on beautiful flying things. He leads tours for Naturalist Journeys to Panama, Honduras, Texas and Trinidad & Tobago. Robert is the current President of the Pro Nature Honduras Foundation, a small non-profit which promotes nature-based sustainable tourism and environmental education. He is also the co-founder of the Honduran Ornithological Society. He has authored two editions of the "Guide to the Birds of Honduras." He and his partner Olivia hope to publish the "Guide to the Butterflies of Honduras" sometime in 2022. The couple lives in Emerald Valley where they protect 50 acres of rich mid-elevation rainforest and are working to install a nature center with their foundation.
All Trips With Robert Gallardo ⌄
Carlos Gonzalez is a wildlife biologist from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, who has been working with birds for the past fifteen years. A Mexico specialist as a lead guide, he has led trips in his home country since 2019 in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Michoacán and Oaxaca. Carlos also has experience with Arizona, California and Nevada birds, wildlife, and landscapes. He is an avid citizen-scientist, contributing regularly to iNaturalist and eBird.
All Trips With Carlos Gonzalez ⌄
Gerard Gorman is a deeply experienced birding and wildlife guide, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe where his knowledge of the wildlife sites of the region is second to none, having visited every country from the Baltic to the Black Sea. In recent years he has led several Naturalist Journeys groups across Europe and Africa. Gerard is also an author, and his books include Central and Eastern European Wildlife (Bradt, 2008) and Birding in Eastern Europe (WildSounds, 2006). His main ornithological interest focuses on woodpeckers, and he is regarded as an authority, authoring an unprecedented seven books on the family, including the acclaimed Woodpeckers of the World (Bloomsbury, 2014) and Woodpecker (Reaktion, 2017). His latest works include, The Wryneck (Pelagic Publishing, 2022), the definitive monograph on this fascinating species, and The Green Woodpecker (Pelagic Publishing, 2023). Gerard is also interested in wildlife tracking, and his Pocket Guide to Tracks and Signs of European Wildlife (Bloomsbury) was published in 2014.
Photo credit: probirder.com
All Trips With Gerard Gorman ⌄
Stephen is an award-winning author, natural history educator and conservationist. He has also contributed to documentary films, and his nature photography has been widely published. Over the past two decades, he has introduced groups of travelers to nature and culture in destinations as varied as Uganda, New Zealand and Alaska.
After moving from Colorado to the Oregon coast, Stephen was captivated by the sight of a Tufted Puffin carrying fish back to its burrow, and the first time he heard a Swainson’s Thrush sing, he knew his life would never be the same. He has been studying birds and sharing their beauty with people ever since.
Formative experiences during Stephen’s journey as a naturalist have included tagging along as a teenager with his grandparents in Madera Canyon, where he absorbed their love of Arizona’s sky islands; helping people with different ability levels experience the Yellowstone ecosystem when he lived in Jackson Hole, Wyoming; and sailing aboard a historic schooner to share the wonders of the Salish Sea with students.
Now based in Port Townsend, Washington, Stephen explores the Pacific Northwest by backpacking, paddleboarding, snorkeling, biking, trail running, and skiing. His wide-ranging natural history pursuits include coring trees to count their growth rings, identifying bats by analyzing their biosonar signals, hunting mammoth tusks in Pleistocene bluffs, searching for the elusive Rubber Boa, preserving native prairie, raising awareness about plankton, and leading sea slug safaris.All Trips With Stephen Grace ⌄
Chris Harbard is a well-known British ornithologist and conservationist who now lives in SE Arizona. After 24 years working with the world’s largest bird conservation organisation, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, he moved to the Austrian optics company Swarovski and managed their birdwatching website for several years. He is now a freelance author, editor, broadcaster and lecturer, as well as an occasional bird guide in SE Arizona where he and his wife help to run the Southwest Wings Birding and Nature Festival. He is on the board of the Arizona Field Ornithologists.
Chris writes for Birdwatch magazine and was editor of the Birdwatchers' Guides series of books. His own books include Birdwatch, Songbirds, A Birdwatcher's Quizbook, A First Guide to Birdwatching.
Working as a naturalist lecturer on board expedition cruise ships for the last eighteen years has taken him to remote areas of the Arctic, Antarctic, Atlantic and Pacific. Although his main area of interest is birds, especially seabirds, he also enjoys a range of other wildlife such as cetaceans, butterflies, dragonflies and plants.All Trips With Chris Harbard ⌄
David Jaffe is an engaging naturalist inspiring people through his curiosity to develop meaningful connections with our home planet. He has been an avid birder since volunteering with the National Audubon Society in 1991. Over his 30+ year career in the outdoor industry, he has gained experience as a guide throughout the United States and on all seven continents. He is a certified National Geographic Photography instructor and works as a naturalist and lecturer on expedition ships. He helped establish a marine protected area off the coast of Madagascar and assisted with bird research projects in the United States, Canada and South America. He has led backcountry trips in Denali National Park and gained great insights while working as a Park Ranger in Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks. He is a passionate birder with a keen interest in geology, botany, and the intricacies of natural history. He loves this work and infuses every tour with his enthusiasm, knowledge and care.
All Trips With David Jaffe ⌄
Wes Larson is a wildlife biologist who specializes in some of the most beloved and threatened species around the world. His primary research has been on polar, black, grizzly and sloth bears, but he has been lucky enough to work on conservation projects with myriad other species, including Golden Eagle, African Wild Dog, Green Sea Turtle, Elephant Seal, Spotted Eagle Ray, Burrowing and Flammulated Owl, American Kestrel, Temminck’s Ground Pangolin, and American Alligator. Wes also has a passion for wildlife conservation education, and hosted the Mission Wild series for CNN’s Great Big Story, and regularly shares his travels and field work with his large social media following. He credits his love for wild things and bears to an upbringing in Montana, where the forests and mountains are a last refuge for his favorite species, the Grizzly Bear of the Rocky Mountains. Wes’s passion for all things wild is infectious and the only thing he loves more than seeing wildlife in its natural habitat is sharing those experiences with other people.
All Trips With Wes Larson ⌄
Pat Lueders has been leading tours for Naturalist Journeys since 2014 after volunteering as the Field Trip leader and coordinator for St. Louis Audubon for 10 years. She has led tours regularly in the U.S. including Utah, Arizona, Texas, Ohio, Georgia, South Carolina, and New Jersey. Internationally, she has led groups to Central America (Costa Rica, Panama, Belize, Guatemala), South America (Galapagos, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago), and Africa (Kenya & Uganda). For the fall 2023 & winter 2024, she’s excited to return to Trinidad and add New Zealand, Jamaica, and Portugal to her itineraries.
When home in St. Louis, she’s been the coordinator of the Great Rivers Trumpeter Swan Watch for 12 years, and she conducts Breeding Bird Surveys for the Missouri Department of Conservation and the U.S. Department of Natural Resources.
All Trips With Pat Lueders ⌄
Jorge is a national guide of Ecuador, who graduated from the University of Tourism Specialties of Quito (UDET). He lives Northwest of Pichincha near Mindo in the cloud forest. He loves the area because he can improve his birds' calls daily, and he considers himself lucky to have a family dedicated to conservation through bird watching. Guiding is his full-time job, and he enjoys traveling and birding in different areas of the world. Jorge has been with Neblina Forest for more than 15 years. He guides our groups in Colombia, Ecuador, and the Galápagos Islands.
All Trips With Jorge Luna ⌄
Why travel with David MacKay? Known for his deep knowledge and experience with Mexican birds, David is also known for his infectious smile. He takes great joy in field time; working it hard and finding results. He enjoys life and travel as well, always planning a good day’s end meal to bask and review the day’s sighting highlights. He’s had over two decades of guiding trips and his organization shows that. You can count on David to be ready to go and steer his group to see numerous birds and have a good time.
All Trips With David MacKay - Mexico Expert ⌄
Dave is a naturalist with interests in birds, migration, ecosystems and natural disturbances, plants, and gardening. He holds a PhD from the University of New Mexico. Dave worked for The Nature Conservancy for 25+ years as Director of its Migratory Bird Program. He has researched in Latin American and the Caribbean. An avid birder, Dave enjoys teaching about natural habitats and local cultures. He has published papers in scientific and popular journals.
All Trips With Dave Mehlman ⌄
Paul Mensah is an excellent birding and wildlife tour leader and has led many tours for international companies and private groups. Paul has an amazing ability to spot species in the most difficult habitat and he is also excellent at bird identification and knows all birds by song/call. An extremely popular leader with our clients, his professional attitude, logistical excellence and personable and social character are complemented by his calm leading style, enthusiasm and love of his work. His desire to always offer his best to clients ensures all his tours are highly productive and enjoyable. Paul lives near Kakum National Park and is always in the field researching species and new locations to find them. He is also one of our cultural tour guides as he loves sharing his exceptional knowledge of Ghana’s culture and history.
All Trips With Paul Mensah—Ghana Expert ⌄
Kip Miller worked 36 years as a park naturalist in southwest Michigan, before moving to Colorado Springs in 2019 to be closer to mountains and his grandkids. He enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for birds and believes birding is more fun in shared company. He has been organizing and leading birding events, tours, and local field trips since the 1980s. Kip has experience guiding in most regions of the United States, including Alaska, and has organized and co-led tours to Belize, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Kenya. His other outdoor passions include mountain biking, backroads cycling, hiking, Nordic skiing, and walking his dogs—all activities that provide good opportunities for casual bird observations as a bonus!
All Trips With Kip Miller ⌄
Andrea is an Ecuadorian bird guide who has been guiding since 2006. She started as a local guide at the Bellavista Reserve cloud forest in Ecuador and then was recruited by Neblina Forest as a guide in 2010. Since then, Andrea has trained in Brazil, Peru, and other locations in Ecuador. Her good energy and kind touch with clients, as well as her good ears and great eye for birds, ensures her groups have an excellent experience. Andrea lives in Ecuador with her family.
Guest Quote: *I’m writing to tell you how excellent our guide, Andrea Molina, was. She has an outstanding blend of knowledge, interpersonal skills, and professionalism, and is overall a cool person who is fun to be around. She really made the trip special.*All Trips With Andrea Molina ⌄
Since the beginning of his Environmental Sciences studies in Huelva, Spain, Manuel has combined the university with volunteering for SEO Birdlife and Doñana Biological Station, in addition to working as an environmental educator in the Odiel Marshes. Later, in 2007 he became an expert ringer by the EBD (Doñana Biological Station). Since 2012 he has been managing and acting as leading guide while teaching Zoology for the University of Huelva. Manuel has given numerous talks and taught courses for SEO Birdlife and worked in Doñana National Park in several bird banding and tracking projects for the Andalusian Government and Station Biological of Doñana (Glossy Ibis, Spoonbill, Black Kites, Black-necked Grebe…) Based in Tarifa, in the Cadiz region of Spain, he will lead tours to Spain and Morocco for Naturalist Journeys.
All Trips With Manuel Morales - Spain and Morocco Expert ⌄
Xavier Muñoz's background is in tourism business administration and he also is also a professional bird-naturalist guide. Co-founder of Neblina Forest in 1994, Xavier collaborates with his peers in Ecuador and the USA, including Fundacion Jocotoco and Rainforest Trust; for Xavier, ecotourism and conservation walk together. Xavier has worked with Naturalist Journeys for more than six years, leading tours in Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, and Trinidad & Tobago. He lives in Ecuador with his family and horses.
Photo credit: Demis Bucci Fotografia
All Trips With Xavier Muñoz ⌄
Francisco Muñoz lives in Quito, Ecuador. He studied photography and tourism at the University of Loja. His passion for conservation motivated him to move in every corner of Ecuador and in other countries such as Colombia and Brazil. Francisco continues in his great work of encouraging more people to preserve the environment, volunteering at the Sembrando Esperanza Foundation Reforestation program, working toward create a harmonious coexistence with animals and especially birds. In his free time, Francisco loves going exploring and taking long walks with his family and capture unique landscapes with his camera. He is also the coordinator of groups of photographers and loves to promote awareness about this type of art. Grateful for having some amazing clients to consider as friends, Francisco makes sure that new clients are welcomed and enjoy all that he has to offer.
All Trips With Francisco Muñoz ⌄
Lester Nanan comes from a family of environmentalists, and his late father Winston Nanan was a key figure in the protection of the Caroni Swamp and Trinidad’s national bird, the Scarlet Ibis. Lester started birding as early as 17 years old, assisting his father in documenting species in the Caroni swamp and then later, the wider Trinidad and Tobago. An explorer, adventurer, a naturalist and conservationist, he has been sharing his knowledge with guests of Naturalist Journeys and sister company Caligo Ventures for decades. His present mission is to ensure that Caroni Swamp is declared an ‘environmentally sensitive area’ so that every species that enters the swamp is protected. Lester works with conservation organizations, protected area managers, government agencies, the tourism board, tour operators and guides throughout the country to develop sustainable tourism opportunities while at the same time working to build the demand for bird watching, photography and natural tourism.
All Trips With Lester Nanan ⌄
James grew up in New Jersey and started birding at a young age. He continued that passion by getting an undergraduate degree in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Maine. Since then, he has worked and birded extensively across the United States, including conducting point counts and banding ducks in Maine; identifying and counting waterfowl in Nebraska; counting migrating raptors in Texas, Arizona and Wyoming; and surveying for Northern Goshawks in northern California. The past three springs he has been a bird guide in the Chiricahua mountains in southeast Arizona, and he enjoys sharing his passion for birds with others. His favorite bird is the Red-headed Woodpecker.
All Trips With James Petersen ⌄
Raised right next to the mudflats of the Bay of Cádiz, Victor developed a total fascination for all aspects of natural history from a very early age. A lifelong birder, with extensive travel industry experience in various areas, he began leading wildlife activities during the ten years he lived in Ireland, Germany and Poland. Victor joined Birding Tarifa in 2017, looking after travel operations, participating in field surveys and guiding birdwatching tours always with great enthusiasm and a friendly disposition. Additionally, he enjoys his role as eBird reviewer for the province of Càdiz.
All Trips With Victor Porras — Spain & Morocco Expert ⌄
Jason is a well-known and well-respected naturalist guide in Trinidad & Tobago. He began his career at the world-renowned Asa Wright Nature Centre at the young age of 12. His now-30 year career has allowed him to host some of the world’s premier environmentalist and celebrity birding authorities, along with the countless bird and nature enthusiasts from around the world. Jason is proud of his homeland of Trinidad & Tobago, and eager to show off the rich dense biodiversity which exists throughout both islands. His passion for and knowledge of the islands' flora and fauna and history and culture is evident in every tour, with clients leaving fully informed about the country’s natural history.
His delivery makes each of his tours an enjoyable experience for the most avid birding to the beginner nature-lover.All Trips With Jason Radix ⌄
Beloved by clients and fellow birders alike, guide Carlos Sanchez brings extensive experience leading tours across Central and South America—as well as Spain and Thailand—for Naturalist Journeys. Before joining our team, he served as a resident guide in both Brazil and Ecuador. A Miami native now based in Northern Virginia, Carlos is deeply involved in the birding community. He leads the notable Homestead, FL, Christmas Bird Count, actively participates in the Tropical Audubon Society, and contributes to the popular blog 10,000 Birds.
All Trips With Carlos Sanchez ⌄
Avijit (Avi) Sarkhel lives in New Delhi in Northern India & runs a travel company for inbound tours to the Indian Sub-continent. Avi (as most people call him) has been designing and leading wildlife and birding tours for the last two decades all over the sub-continent. He has lead tours with a number of well-known tour operators from all over the World. Avi enjoys meeting people and showing them his country and its wildlife and nature. He is concerned about the well-being of his co-travelers, enjoys having a laugh with them
and is always ready to address their concerns while on tour.
Avi is well-versed with the forests of the sub-continent, he has traveled all over the country, seen almost all of the birds and most of the mammals and is keen to learn more. He believes that there is a lot to learn about the wildlife of the areas that he travels to and enjoys learning from his guests.Photo credit: Vana Safaris
All Trips With Avijit Sarkhel - India and Bhutan Expert ⌄
Bryan Shirley graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Japanese/International Economics. He lived in Japan for 3 years when he was 20 and fell in love with the language and culture and has been guiding and birding there ever since. Besides guiding in Japan, he regularly leads tours for Japanese birding groups around the US and other countries. When not guiding he has been involved with various DWR and USFWS projects such as relocating Sage Grouse, breeding bird surveys, and bird-related projects for private environmental consulting firms. He also has volunteered his time to serve as president of Utah County Birders and organizes the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Counts for Provo and Payson, Utah where he currently resides. He currently is a member of the Utah Bird Records Committee.
All Trips With Bryan Shirley ⌄
Steve Shunk started birding in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1989, and he moved to central Oregon’s ‘Woodpecker Wonderland’ in 1997, where 11 woodpecker species breed annually. This phenomenon led to a 20-year obsession studying this charismatic family of birds. Steve founded the region’s woodpecker festival in 2008, and his Peterson Reference Guide to Woodpeckers of North America was published in 2016. He has fed leeches (his own blood) in Malaysian Borneo, and he has watched Spotless Starlings swarming around the Greek ruins of Sicily. Steve’s Alaska adventures have taken him from Ketchikan to Barrow and St. Paul Island. One of his favorite destinations takes him to see ‘eastern’ warblers breeding across the boreal forest of Alberta, but recent adventures have led him to favor the cushion plants and condors of the Peruvian high Andes. Steve speaks at bird festivals across North America, and he returns annually to speak and guide at the Vallarta Bird Festival in far-western Jalisco, Mexico. Steve joined Naturalist Journeys earlier this year, and we are excited to have him on the schedule for 2021 and beyond.
Steve’s work as a field biologist has taken him from the Coast Range of Oregon to California’s Sierra Nevada. Most recently, he conducted point-count and woodpecker surveys for a study in the Central Oregon Cascades. Steve co-founded the East Cascades Bird Conservancy (now East Cascades Audubon), and served as its first president. He also co-founded the Oregon Birding Trails Program and coordinated its flagship project, the Oregon Cascades Birding Trail. When Steve is not traveling the world for tours and lectures, he can be found writing, skiing, hiking, and watching woodpeckers at home in lovely Sisters, Oregon.All Trips With Steve Shunk ⌄
Hugh Simmons' interest in photography began when he was a young boy, as did his love of nature. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology during which he was “sparked” by a chance encounter with an Eastern Towhee. Not long after college he took up birding with, of course, a desire to photograph birds. Today he enjoys sharing his decades of photographic knowledge to help others get the most out of their photography whether it be of birds, landscapes, flowers, other wildlife or people. Hugh is a founding member of the North American Nature Photographers Association and served on the board of directors of the National Audubon Society. He is a long time board member of the Chesapeake Audubon chapter in Maryland and is the Audubon Climate Watch Coordinator for his area. Hugh also volunteers with the Cape May Bird Observatory and the Phoenix Wildlife Center.
Photo credit: Mike West
All Trips With Hugh Simmons ⌄
Kent was born and raised in Nebraska and this is where he developed his passion for birds and nature in general. He worked 20 years at Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary where he helped countless visitors experience the annual spring staging of Sandhill Cranes along the Platte River in south-central Nebraska. While at Rowe, he conducted bird surveys on the sanctuary and coordinated and led birding field trips for the annual Audubon Nebraska Crane Festival. He also spent three seasons leading tours to see displaying Greater Prairie-Chickens and Sharp-tailed Grouse for Calamus Outfitters in the Nebraska Sandhills. Kent and his partner Kathy currently reside in southwest Virginia.
All Trips With Kent Skaggs ⌄
James brings some twenty five years of guiding experience to Naturalist Journeys. Originally from Sheffield in the United Kingdom, he discovered a love for guiding in Israel in 1995 where he helped establish the Kibbutz Lotan Center for Birdwatching in the Southern Arava Valley. Since then, he’s led hundreds of tours throughout the Northern Hemisphere for a number of UK-based tour companies. His trips to Israel and North America are especially close to his heart but he’s also led or co-led tours to Mexico (Veracruz), The Gambia, Kenya, Iceland, Scottish Highlands, Spanish Pyrenees, Central/Southern France, Greece (Lesvos), and India (Goa). An accomplished illustrator, James placed runner-up in the British Birds “Bird Illustrator of the Year” competition in 1992 and went on to have his work published in numerous birding magazines and journals. He also co-authored the two volume set A Guide to the Birding Hotspots of Israel (Published in 2000 by the Israel Ornithological Center and the S.P.N.I.). He returns to Israel every year to lead trips and remains an active member of the Israel Rarities and Distribution Committee. When not leading tours he can be found at home in Western Massachusetts with his wife Susannah and their young son Matan.
All Trips With James P. Smith ⌄
Drs. Howard Topoff and Carol Simon have been study leaders on natural history trips for over 30 years. Both are formerly professors at the City University of New York and Research Associates at the American Museum of Natural History. Howard Topoff has spent 40+ years researching the social behavior of animals. His field research has been conducted in Central and South America, Africa, and in the deserts and mountains of Arizona. In addition to his publications in scientific journals, his more popular articles have appeared in magazines such as Scientific American and Natural History. His research has been featured on National Geographic Television, and Scientific American Frontiers. Carol Simon is broadly trained in ecology, behavior and evolution. Her research on the social behavior of reptiles has taken her to many areas of North and Central America. Her current field research on reptile behavior is based in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona. As an added bonus, Carol and Howard provide multimedia presentations that provide in-depth insights into the natural history of the regions visited.
All Trips With Drs. Howard Topoff & Carol Simon ⌄
Nick has been pursuing birds since the age of six after being shown a Dartford Warbler by his father on a family holiday. After traveling and birding in the Pacifica and Southeast Asia, Nick settled in Thailand over twenty years ago and now has over a decade of experience in leading bird tours throughout Asia. Widely recognized as the leading guide for Thailand, he can find difficult species and interpret the ecology of the bird, as well as the conservation issues many species face.
All Trips With Nick Upton - Thailand and Asia Expert ⌄
Kelly has worked with Naturalist Journeys since 2011. She assists our lead guides on trips to Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, Death Valley, the Eastern Sierras, California’s Central Coast, Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone and Grand Tetons, Utah’s National Parks, Belize and the Caribbean islands of Trinidad & Tobago. Kelly enjoys the outdoors, travel, nature, wildlife, and working with people. Kelly is a licensed wildlife rehabber and educator for Pacific Wildlife Care in San Luis Obispo county, and is a founding member of the organization. She is also the Owner/Broker of Central Coast Property Sales. She and her husband Art own a ranch in Cayucos on California’s Central Coast, where
they live with their large menagerie of birds and mammals, both wild and domestic. When not traveling, Art and Kelly welcome guests to find peace and quiet on their ranch in their B and B guest house.All Trips With Kelly Vandenheuvel ⌄
Nathan Varley and Linda Thurston met in 1996 working on the Yellowstone Wolf Restoration Project in its earliest stage. Project director Doug Smith takes some credit for matching the two wildlife biologists who married 3 years later. Following their years with the wolf project, they created THE WILD SIDE, LLC for their ecological research and university-level field programs. Over a decade ago, YELLOWSTONE WOLF TRACKER was developed as Yellowstone's premier wildlife guiding service, providing services for hundreds of guests throughout the year, and setting the standard for professional service in the industry today
All Trips With Nathan Varley & Linda Thurston ⌄
Rick lives in Oakland, NJ with his wife Patricia and two adult children, Jack and Annabel. Rick has led birding trips for a number of years as a volunteer for various local nonprofits, and for Oakland residents in his town's 40-acre Great Oak Park. For over 30 years he has counted birds on annual big days to raise dollars for endangered species recovery efforts in his home state. His passion for conservation started during his college years at Rutgers where he majored in Biology, and he has been a trustee of the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ since 2000. His volunteer and fundraising efforts for The Raptor Trust, the largest wild bird rehabilitation center on the east coast, resulted in his addition to their board of trustees in 2018. One of his favorite areas to visit is Central America and he has hosted tours for Naturalist Journeys in Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, and Belize. In his spare time besides birding, Rick enjoys playing street hockey, fishing, and visiting the jersey shore, especially Cape May.
Photo credit: Hugh Simmons
All Trips With Rick Weiman ⌄
Frank is Zambia’s leading ornithologist and ecologist. Being from Dutch origin, he worked with the Dutch ornithology trust SOVON after obtaining his MSc in Ecology from Nijmegen University. Most of his professional work focused on the breeding ecology and population dynamics of birds in the Netherlands. His involvement in Foundation WIWO focused on bird research and training projects mainly in Russia and Iran.
He came to Zambia with his wife Inge in early 2008 to work with Kasanka Trust on the management of Kasanka and Lavushi Manda National Parks, as well as Shoebill Island Camp in Bangweulu Wetlands. Tasks varied from mammal and bird monitoring, supervising PhD studies on Shoebill, Kinda Baboon and Straw-coloured Fruit Bat, facilitating film crews and writing management plans, to anti-poaching activities, building scout camps and bridges, creating firebreaks, and filling potholes in the dirt roads. The very Bangweulu Shoebills prominently feature in BBC's monumental "Africa" production, alongside Kasanka's mega-colony of Straw-coloured Fruit Bats (the world’s largest mammal migration) and the eagles preying on them, both facilitated by Frank.
Since late 2017 Frank and family, now based near Fringilla, Chisamba, run their own company Kigelia Solutions. Major projects since have included the Birds of Zambia app, a biodiversity survey of the Mafinga Mountains with the BirdLife partner BirdWatch Zambia, an NHK film production on African Skimmer, consultations linked to community conservancies in Mpumba, the creation and management of Kalwelwa Bushcamp in Mwinilunga, and the creation of Birding Zambia.
Side activities include the function of ‘Zambian Bird Recorder’ and Technical Advisor of BirdWatch Zambia, and country rep for African Bird Club. Several of his free-time explorations have focused on remote and unexplored parts of the Mwinilunga district. The large evergreen forests he and others identified using Google Earth, prove to hold real surprises like Vermiculated Fishing-owl and Spot-breasted Ibis. Frank is determined to ultimately create a large conservancy to protect Mwinilunga’s rich biodiversity.
From a young age, Frank has guided and trained people, in the Netherlands, Zambia, and many other countries. He loves sharing his passion for and knowledge of the bush. During his twelve years in Zambia, he guided numerous groups in numerous places, including tens of film crews and research groups, photographers and journalists.All Trips With Frank Willems — Zambia & Zimbabwe Expert ⌄
Washington has been leading Wildlife and Birding Tours in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda for many years. He has a taste for everything in nature, from the small to the big and everything in between. His education background is in Environmental Science (BSc.), Animal Ecology (MSc.) and Animal Ecology (PhD.). He has continued to enrich his knowledge through many trainings, including the Certificate course in Fundamentals of Ornithology and Certificate course on the Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles. He is a member of the Kenya Professional Safari Guides Association (KPSGA). He was awarded the African Sustainable Tourism Fellowship Award in 2016. He co-authored the Guidebook to the Birds of Dakatcha Woodland IBA. He wrote the first Checklists to the Birds of Eburu Forest; and the Birds of Kenyatta University. He founded the Kenyatta University Birding Club in 2014. Over the years, he has worked and interned with many organisations; including the Ornithology Section of the National Museums of Kenya and Giraffe Center. He previously served as the Manager for the Kenya Bird Map Project. He is a member of the Bird Committee of Nature Kenya, and chairs the National Bird of Kenya Sub-committee. He is the Chairperson of the East African Rarities Committee. He is a National Geographic Explorer, on his work with African Crowned Eagles. He is a passionate film maker, and released his first documentary, “Urban Crowns”, in 2017. He is also an experienced nature photographer and has won many awards, including First Position in the Underwater Category of the 2016 East African Wild Life Photo Competition. He is a featured photographer in the ON THE ROAD INITIATIVE by NIKON. He is also a member of the African Primatological Consortium for Conservation. He is a former Chairperson of the Kenya Herpetofauna Working Group. He is also a TED Speaker, and gave a TED Talk titled “For the love of birds” in 2017. Washington has also discovered a lizard species new to Science (year 2021), which was named after his second name (Agama wachirai).
Jon Atwood recently retired from his position as Director of Bird Conservation for Mass Audubon, where his work focused on grassland birds and full-life cycle conservation of Roseate and Least terns. He has been a practicing ornithologist and conservation biologist for more than 40 years, using behavioral studies of rare and endangered bird species to inform conservation planning. After completing his master’s and doctoral degrees in Southern California, where he studied Santa Cruz Island Scrub-Jay behavior, Least Tern breeding biology, and the taxonomy of gnatcatchers living in the deserts of North America, he moved to the East Coast in 1986. Building on his experience as a Master bird-bander, he worked at Manomet Bird Observatory and collaborated in the analysis of the first 30 years of Manomet’s landbird banding program. He also spearheaded federal protection of the California Gnatcatcher under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, led a long-term study of factors affecting Least Tern colony site selection, and contributed to early studies of Bicknell’s Thrush in New England. After leaving Manomet, Jon directed the Conservation Biology program at Antioch New England Graduate School where he taught Ornithology, Research Design, and GIS while mentoring more than 70 master’s and doctoral students. Jon has led field trips in Mexico (Yucatan and Baja California), Costa Rica, Belize, the Galapagos, the Amazon basin of Ecuador and Peru, Kenya, Southern California, Southeastern Arizona, Montana, and Maine.
All Trips With Jon Atwood — Guide Emeritus ⌄
Bob Behrstock is a nature photographer, writer and tour leader living in SE Arizona. He has led birding and nature tours for nearly 30 years, primarily in North and Latin America. He has compiled Christmas Bird Counts in Mexico and participated in biological surveys including the development of birding and wildlife trails in several different states. As a full-time tour leader, he birded throughout the U.S., many countries in Latin America, and in the Old World. Besides taping and photographing birds in many countries, butterfly and dragonfly photography have taken him to all corners of the U.S. and several parts of Mexico. Bob has authored or co-authored nearly 50 popular and scientific papers concerning fishes, birds, dragonflies, and butterflies in the U.S. and Latin America, and prepared several of the family accounts for The Sibley Guide to Bird Life & Behavior. His bird and insect photos appear in books, newspapers, and magazines including: Audubon, Smithsonian, Birding, WildBird, American Butterflies, and the Handbook of Birds of the World. He is a co-author of Birdlife of Houston, Galveston, and the Upper Texas Coastand Finding Birds on the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail and has just finished an introductory guide to Southwestern dragonflies. Bob enjoys birding with tour participants of all skill levels and is equally happy pointing his spotting scope at other creatures. naturewideimages.com
Photo credit: Karen LeMay
Dodie Logue is an artist, a horse trainer and an avid birder. Her interest in birds has taken her all over the United States including Alaska, as well as Central and South America. She is a certified bird bander and has done surveys and banding in the U.S. and Ecuador. Dodie splits her time between the southwest and the midwest, where she has worked to turn her 120 acre farm back into a native landscape including wetlands and 50 acres of tall grass prairie. She has been involved with numerous citizen scientist projects and is a member of PAN (Project Art for nature), a group of midwest artists who make art about critical habitat and educate the public about it. She loves nothing better than spending all day out in the field hiking and observing.
Photo credit: Chris Benesh
All Trips With Dodie Logue, Guide Emeritus ⌄
Michael has been an avid birder since childhood in England but decided, for reasons that now escape him, on a career in law. Meeting Donna Knox on a birding trip, however, changed all that and, in 1996, he gave up his work as solicitor general to the Cayman Islands Government to start a new venture as a birding guide. Michael and Donna initially moved to Cayman House in Rockport, then to the San Pedro River Inn and the Paton Birders’ Haven in S.E. Arizona, and are now happily back in Texas: this time in San Benito, an ideal base for Michael’s interest in the wildlife and history of South Texas. As well as regular tours in the U.S./Mexico borderlands, Michael has guided birding trips to Belize, Costa Rica, and Panama and has travelled extensively in Europe and the Americas. He met Peg Abbott being very gracious to Naturalist Journeys groups along Arizona’s San Pedro River. He now shares his guiding skills with us in Texas and beyond.
All Trips With Michael Marsden — Guide Emeritus ⌄
Bob Meinke started birding in earnest while an undergraduate in plant science at Humboldt State University in northern California. After graduate school he went on to join the botany faculty at Oregon State University (OSU), where he’s led the state’s Native Plant Conservation Biology Program (in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture) for over 25 years. Bob and his graduate students conducted research on the conservation and recovery of threatened and endangered plants in the western U.S., focusing on life history and re-introduction studies, and have also discovered and named a number of plant species new to science. When not botanizing, Bob enjoys travel with his wife Kelly (also a botanist)—never having lost their early interest in birding, Bob and Kelly have traveled extensively over the years, searching for birds and other wildlife in areas as diverse as Papua New Guinea, southern India, Fiji and Tonga, Australia, Iceland, Brazil, and southwest Africa. They share a particular interest in the avifauna of Central America, and reside with their cats in an historic neighborhood in Corvallis, Oregon, a few blocks from the OSU campus.
Photo credit: Courtesy Bob Meinke
All Trips With Bob Meinke, Guide Emeritus ⌄
The Pembletons have led field trips for 30+ years. Ed worked for the National Audubon Society and as director of the Leopold Education Project, promoting Aldo Leopold's land ethics philosophy. Ed's photos appear in books and national magazines. Seliesa has written children's wildlife books, worked at the Smithsonian Institution, and was director of environmental studies at Hard Bargain Farm. She has taught "American Style" environmental education in Japan. The couple enjoys birding, hiking, gardening, and canoeing.
All Trips With Ed & Sil Pembleton, Guides Emeritus ⌄
Lynn Tennefoss is a general naturalist with a strong interest in birds and geology. Lynn helps with Naturalist Journeys’ special projects as well as many of the logistics of our U.S. tours, and has led or co-led trips to Trinidad, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, Big Bend, Oregon Coast, Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, the American Southwest, and more. When not traveling, Lynn consults with nonprofit organizations, providing strategic planning, organizational assessment, and meeting facilitation services.
Greg spent over 20 years working as an ecologist managing sensitive bird species for California State Parks along the Central coast. His decision to promote to the Park Superintendent series allowed him to work directly with partners in conserving lands for the benefit of birds, people, and resources. And then he retired! Three days later he started his now eleven-year career with Naturalist Journeys by leading his first of over sixty tours. He had already traveled to all seven continents, and now has a Master Bird Banding permit, both of which made him a great fit to work with Peg and to lead natural history and birding tours to her exceptional array of tour locations. His relaxed style and breadth of knowledge makes his tours both educational and fun, all while exploring Naturalist Journeys' diverse locations and viewing the areas' distinctive birds, wildlife, and plant species. Two of his favorite past times are good food and photography, so take a peek at his Flickr site to see some of what he shares with those that join him on his tours.
All Trips With Greg Smith, Guide Emeritus ⌄
Woody Wheeler is a master birder, a certified interpretive guide and owner of Conservation Catalyst, a birding and natural history firm based in Seattle, Washington. He has worked for The Nature Conservancy, Audubon, Seattle Parks Foundation, as a naturalist and tour leader. He holds degrees in Environmental Education and Geography. Woody is a skilled interpreter and educator with special expertise in birds. To augment field experiences, he is a natural story teller and a former teacher. His approach is inclusive; he enjoys working with diverse groups of people, and likes to combine physical activity with nature study. He inspires people to appreciate nature and to have fun along the way.
All Trips With Woody Wheeler, Emeritus ⌄
Banner photo credit: Gustavo Cañas Valle by Peg Abbott.