Thank you for your interest! This journey is either underway or complete, but we do have many other tour options for you to choose from.

Stretching from north to south between the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, lies an arc of tropical island gems ringed by turquoise seas and sandy beaches. Uplifted by ancient volcanic forces, verdant, lush Caribbean rainforests cloak many of these sun-kissed islands, while those with limestone soils feature seasonally dry forest. Due to their relative isolation from any large landmasses, these islands host a highly threatened collection of birds found nowhere else in the world. Collectively, there are thirty Lesser Antilles endemics plus forty-five or so Caribbean specialties.

Starting in Barbados (the easternmost of the Lesser Antillean archipelago), we travel along this stunningly beautiful island chain, getting you close—very close—to spectacular wildlife, including often critically endangered single-island endemics like the Whistling Warbler in St. Vincent; the majestic Imperial Amazon in Dominica; the dazzling Martinique Oriole; and rarest of them all, the unassuming Grenada Dove, still found serenely walking the pathways in the only area of suitable habitat remaining on the “Spice Isle” of Grenada—all while traveling to some of the most picturesque holiday destinations on the planet. In addition to the charismatic birdlife, we also have the opportunity to experience some of the islands’ cultures and get a taste of Caribbean cuisine. Accommodations are locally owned and either on the coast with plenty of beach opportunities, or forested areas with relaxing pools.

Find yourself away from the exotic beach destinations on the coast on an epic birding and wildlife adventure, quite unlike any other on the planet, and sure to leave you with long lasting and wonderful memories.

By joining us on this incredible island odyssey, you not only have the opportunity to see an array of little-known endemics and regional specialities—many of whom sadly run the gamut from threatened to critically endangered—but of also contribute directly to their conservation. Naturalist Journeys donates a portion of the tour price to BirdsCaribbean, a leading organization in the region dedicated to protecting the last remaining habitats of many of these species and encouraging locals to become involved in wildlife conservation. BirdsCaribbean even operates a training program for local islanders to become guides, some of whom (such as Lystra on St. Vincent and Anthony on Guadeloupe) you have the opportunity to meet as our local guides on their respective islands!

  • “The ability of organisations such as BirdsCaribbean to speak and act on behalf of those who cannot, often means the difference between life and death for many of the numerous threatened species of the region.”
  • — Ryan Chenery, Tour Leader and Author of Birds of the Lesser Antilles (HELM Field Guide, 2022)

Tour Highlights

  • Enjoy the natural beauty and scenery of these tropical island paradises not often visited by birders or naturalists
  • Search for over 30 endemic bird species found only in the Lesser Antilles, including Barbuda Warbler, Grey Trembler, Purple-throated Carib, and Montserrat Oriole
  • Sample the rich and flavorful fusion cuisines of the islands, each having a different set of traditional dishes
  • Support the conservation of critically endangered species such as Grenada Dove with your visit and use of local guides
  • Marvel at up to four spectacular endemic Amazona parrot species, including St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Imperial, and Red-necked
  • Relax in the afternoon by snorkeling in the turquoise waters or merely strolling along “postcard perfect” sandy beaches

Trip Itinerary

Itineraries are guidelines; variations in itinerary may occur to account for weather, road conditions, closures, etc. and to maximize your experience.

Day 1: Arrivals in Barbados

Welcome to Barbados! Please plan to arrive to the airport by 1:00 PM, where you are met by your guides ahead of the transfer to our first night’s hotel. After arriving at our beachfront accommodation, conveniently located just 10-minutes from the airport, we can immediately immerse ourselves into island life by enjoying a cocktail at the bar, strolling along the glistening white sands of the nearby beach, or even taking a swim in the placid turquoise seas.

At dusk, the West Indian mahogany trees that surround our hotel fill with the calls of Scaly-naped Pigeon as they select their favored roosts, and the fluttering wings of Velvety Free-tailed Bat as they set out to feed. Food is also on our minds, and we step out from our hotel onto the sands of the nearby beach for a sunset stroll to the fishing village of Oistins. Here, we tuck into a delicious dinner of freshly caught grilled fish or seafood served with an island staple of rice and peas.
Accommodations on Barbados (D)

Day 2: Walker’s Nature Reserve

From our accommodation on the glittering and picturesque south coast, where we have breakfasted in the company of the endemic Barbados Bullfinch, we head north towards the rural parish of St. Andre, where we are granted private and exclusive access to the largest nature reserve in the island. This 350 acre expanse provides crucial habitat to resident and overwintering herons, waterfowl (including Masked Duck and Black-bellied Whistling-Duck) and other aquatic birds. Other regional specialities possible here include: Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Caribbean Elaenia, ‘Golden’ Warbler, and Scaly-naped Pigeon.

The reserve we visit today is undergoing a powerful transformation from an active sand quarry to a vibrant, ecologically healthy beach-side forest—a journey that is not only helping to heal the landscape, but aims to change how Barbadians perceive their environment, and the possibilities that the future holds for the land. The permaculture design guiding the transformation calls for the cultivation of a mixed-use agroforestry site, as well as the restoration of native forest as habitat for the island’s wildlife. We meet some of the team behind this remarkable transformation during our private tour.

On our way back south, we stop at a well-hidden local rumshop (if you didn’t know it was there, you’d never find it!) with a spectacular view of the rugged and untamed Atlantic coastline. After tucking into local dishes including coucou and flying fish, pudding and souse, and yard-fowl and pie (all topped off with the best rum punches on the island) we take up a position atop low-lying sea cliffs, where we gaze down into crystal clear waters as Hawksbill and Green Turtles breach the surface for air, and Manta Ray and cetaceans have been spotted leaping and cavorting over the waves!

We have a late afternoon flight to Grenada, where our lodgings for the night is a small, vibrantly colored, and newly refurbished boutique resort. We then finish off the day with a delicious buffet dinner of local specialties.
Accommodations on Grenada (B,L,D)

Day 3: Grenada

Today, we wake on the southernmost of the Windward Islands in the Lesser Antilles—Grenada, also known as the “Spice Isle,” owing to its production of nutmeg and mace. A mere 10-minute drive from our accommodation is one of the last remaining pockets of suitable habitat for the rarest bird of the entire trip: the critically endangered Grenada Dove, the island’s national bird.

These doves are endemic to the thin strip of coastal dry thorn forest in Grenada. Unfortunately, this habitat is mostly gone due to both urbanization and tourism development. Mount Hartman National Park, threatened by these developmental pressures, protects one of two fragmented populations of this species, and we make a special effort to see this rare dove.

After visiting the last stronghold of this delicate and unassuming dove, we explore the dry woodland that represents its natural habitat. Here, we may view several other key inhabitants of the Spice Isle, including Grenada Flycatcher, Rufous-breasted Hermit, Spectacled Thrush, and Lesser Antillean Bullfinch. We finish the day by climbing a well-positioned observation tower to scan the skies for the local race of Hook-billed Kite.
Accommodations on Grenada (B,L,D)

Day 4: Grenada | St. Vincent

The Lesser Antilles is comprised of a chain of largely submerged mountains running north to south in a double arc. The outer arc from Anguilla to Barbados features low, flat islands composed of limestone, while the inner arc features a series of volcanic cones. The heavily forested volcanic island of St. Vincent, with its mostly black sand beaches and vast sprawling wilderness, sits within the inner arc, and after a morning swim and breakfast in Grenada, a short midday flight finds us on this enchanting isle.

On arrival at the international airport, we are met by pre-arranged transport, which takes us to the family-owned hotel we call home for the next couple of nights. The rest of the afternoon can be spent relaxing around the pool, or taking a stroll along the beach. We have a leisurely lunch at a beachside restaurant from which we may see Brown Pelican, Royal Tern, and Brown Booby. Those feeling adventurous may even wish to don their snorkels and join the tour leader in search of the inhabitants of the reefs that line this sheltered coast—perhaps some angelfish, tangs, or wrasses.

The open-air restaurant overlooking the swaying masts of catamarans and yachts moored off Young Island provides a stunning setting for dinner. Most of the food consumed on St. Vincent is locally grown, and the wide variety on the menu is testament to the plethora of vegetables, pulses, and ground provisions (such as yam and taro) that thrive in the rich volcanic soils of the island. Try the tantalizing saltfish buljol (an island specialty) as a starter—delicious!
Accommodations on St. Vincent (B,L,D)

Day 5: St. Vincent

This morning, we potentially have the privilege of watching beautiful St. Vincent Parrot flying all around us! To do so, we head for a site deep in the heart of the island’s verdant forests known only to select local forestry officers, and one that sees our vehicle cross the same river seven times at different locations. As our vehicle slowly ascends the mountain, we pull over at choice spots where the ever-present mangoes and guavas prove an irresistible lure to Lesser Antillean Tanager, Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, Smooth-billed Ani, and even Yellow-bellied Elaenia (drawn to the fruit flies on the ripening fruit). Eventually, we arrive at the secret location and after strategically selecting our seats atop a scenic ridgeline, prepare to be enthralled as wave upon wave of raucous parrots emerge from their roosts deep within the surrounding forests. One of four very special parrot species endemic to the Lesser Antilles, this is a species that was long on the verge of extinction, so the opportunity to have incredibly close views of this majestic parrot in their natural habitat is one of the highlights of the trip. Furthermore, it is a testament to the monumental effort of regional and international conservationists.

Later today, we travel into the lush rainforests of towering Mount Soufrière. Here, along quiet forest paths lined with wild Begonia, we search for the critically endangered Whistling Warbler, along with a wonderful selection of Caribbean specialties such as Rufous-throated Solitaire, Brown Trembler, Purple-throated Carib, and an all-black subspecies of Bananaquit (one of five distinct subspecies of Bananaquit found in the region). We end our walk at a dry riverbed, above which circles Common Black as well as Broad-winged Hawk (subspecies antillarum, a near endemic known only to St. Vincent and Grenada). We may also see inquisitive sapphire-headed St. Vincent Anolis while we enjoy freshly picked fruit and plantain chips as a trail snack.
Accommodations on St. Vincent (B,L,D)

Day 6: St. Lucia

Today begins with an early breakfast on the seaside balcony, after which a 30-minute flight sees us touch down in spectacular St. Lucia!

Upon arrival at the regional airport in Castries (the vibrant capital of St. Lucia), we explore a large open-air market selling almost everything that the diverse and varied islands of the Caribbean have to offer. We taste fresh fruit, sample local culinary delights, and browse through artisanal crafts before embarking on an afternoon exploring the north of this delightful island.

From Castries, we drive to a tiny local hillside village where we learn from local Rastafarians of the many uses and local remedies of native flora. Afterwards, we continue to a wetter forest type known to harbor many of the island's indigenous and endemic species. It is no exaggeration to state that numerous key species of birds here join a myriad of butterflies. Overhead, Lesser Antillean Swift effortlessly manoeuvre in the island breeze; St. Lucia Warbler peer underneath the leaves of tropical trees to gorge on caterpillars; Lesser Antillean Flycatcher and Lesser Antillean Pewee sally for insects from tree snags; and St. Lucia Oriole probe ripening fruit.

Our accommodation for the night is a charming little hotel, which is a real showcase of authentic St. Lucian hospitality, nestled in the vibrant and historic coastal village of Rodney Bay. Nearby Reduit Beach, with its expansive white sands, view of Fort Rodney and Pigeon Island National Park to the north, and glorious sunsets, is one of the more beautiful beaches on the island, and its calm waters are perfect for a late-afternoon dip before dinner, which we enjoy at our accommodation.
Accommodations in St Lucia (B,L,D)

Day 7: St. Lucia

This morning, we enjoy a leisurely breakfast before an audience with one of the last populations of the rare near-endemic White-breasted Thrasher, a species listed as endangered by the IUCN. These thrashers inhabit seasonally dry Caribbean forest where they prefer areas of abundant leaf litter. Other inhabitants of this forest type include Lesser Antillean Saltator, Mangrove Cuckoo, and the notoriously difficult St. Lucia Black Finch.

Our birding along the tranquil east coast is followed by a stop at the quaint seaside village of Dennery. Here, we can experience the intense bartering culture practiced by generations of local fishermen and their customers, who line the pier in anticipation of returning boats. Afterwards, we make the short 15-minute drive to a local inn nestled amongst forested hillsides and with well-manicured gardens teeming with tropical flowers. Tropical Mockingbird and Grey Kingbird flit from one swaying palm to another, their diverse calls seeming to beckon us towards the sweeping outdoor balcony where we settle down for lunch.
The inn is owned and managed by a lovely couple. Esther is a Swiss expat who handles the business side of things, and Frank, who is St. Lucian, prepares the fine cuisine. He trained and worked in Paris as a chef for many years, and since returning to his island, has created a Franco-Creole signature taste all of his own. Prepare your taste buds for a treat! All of the food is locally sourced and the fish is bought from the market at Dennery‚ directly supporting this local community.
On the way back to our hotel, we visit an open expanse of grassland and coastal woodland, where we set our sights on Grassland Yellow-Finch and one of the most difficult specialties on the island: the Rufous (St. Lucia) Nightjar.
Accommodations in St Lucia (B,L,D)

Day 8: St. Lucia

Today, with a packed breakfast in hand, we board pre-arranged transport that takes us to the island’s showpiece natural attraction—the lush Des Cartiers Rainforest. Des Cartiers is dominated by numerous trees endemic to the region, along with tree ferns, bromeliads, and orchids. We spend a wonderful morning here, walking the well-maintained trails and getting to know the diverse species of flora all around us, including the endemic and aromatic Lansan.

Our forest walk culminates at an observation area where we may see the island’s national bird, the magnificent St. Lucia Parrot. A myriad of other forest birds dwell at this site. The ethereal song of the Rufous-throated Solitaire and the high-pitched note of the dazzling Lesser Antillean Euphonia intermingle with the other sounds of the forest, while Grey Trembler and Green-throated Carib may also make an appearance.

Leaving this verdant forest behind, we make for the scenic west coast, where we dine on a wide selection of local cuisine at what is surely the restaurant with the best view on the island! Grand views of the majestic twin spires of Les Pitons, ancient volcanic plugs and a World Heritage Site, are to be enjoyed along with our meal. After lunch, we wind our way down into historic Soufrière, once the capital of St. Lucia, for an afternoon of strolling through quiet streets as Magnificent Frigatebird, Royal Tern, and Laughing Gull cavort in the skies above. Amongst the tethered fishing vessels we should have opportunities for sightings of Brown Booby and Brown Pelican.

We finish the day atop one of the island’s highest peaks, where we are treated to the spectacular aerial acrobatics of a colony of Red-billed

Day 9: Dominica

This morning, we take a short flight to Dominica, nicknamed the Nature Isle of the Caribbean. With its innumerable waterfalls and rivers coursing through its vast tracts of primary rainforest, Dominica offers a snapshot into what some of the more developed islands of the region would have resembled years ago.

A short while after our arrival on the island, we stop at a popular roadside stand to sample a selection of homemade and refreshing tamarind and golden apple juices, before driving up into the Northern Forest Reserve. We may soon hear the musical calls of an array of Lesser Antillean species, causing us to stop and investigate. These may include Brown Trembler, Plumbeous Warbler, Red-legged Thrush, Forest Thrush, Black-whiskered Vireo, Scaly-breasted Thrasher, and more. As our van climbs ever-higher along the track, we scan the roadside for Red-rumped Agouti, Dominican Ameiva, and Lesser Antillean Iguana.
Our quaint family-owned hotel, Tamarind Tree, is perched high atop a 100-foot cliff offering breath taking views of the vast expanse of Caribbean Sea and the Bay of Salisbury. Here, we enjoy local Creole cooking prepared by experienced local chefs.
Accommodations in Dominica (B,L,D)

Day 10: Dominica

This morning, we wake to the smell of world famous rich Dominican coffee as we set off before dawn in order to give ourselves the best opportunity to see one of the planet’s largest and rarest parrot species, the majestic Imperial Parrot. We scan from a vantage point overlooking deep verdant valleys, carefully scrutinizing the towering tree canopy for this parrot as well as its more numerous (but still threatened) cousin, the Red-necked Parrot. Flowering plants nearby offer feeding opportunities for the near-endemic Blue-headed Hummingbird. Fifty-five species of butterfly occur in this forest, including regional endemics such as Dominican Hairstreak and St. Lucia Mestra.

Following our morning birding in some of the most pristine forest remaining in the entire Caribbean, we make the short drive to the coastal town of Portsmouth, where we enjoy a delicious local lunch of curried chicken, beef, potato, or veggie rotis before embarking on a sunset boat ride along the otherworldly Indian River. Our journey leads us into the heart of the mangroves and an audience with an entirely different selection of wildlife, including the gargantuan Ringed Kingfisher. We finish our boat ride with the opportunity to sample locally-made Dynamite Rum!
Accommodations on Dominica (B,L,D)

Day 11: Dominica

Dominica is known as the whale watching capital of the Caribbean, and this morning we join an experienced captain and crew on a voyage into deep blue waters for a chance to see Sperm Whale, Spinner Dolphin, Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, and more. Dominica is the only country in the world whose waters are home to both mothers and calves of Sperm Whale all year round! While on our quest for marine mammals, we can also take advantage of our time out on the water to look for pelagic bird species such as Cory’s Shearwater and Wilson’s Storm-Petrel.

Following our return to the hotel, you have the option of relaxing by the pool or visiting the nearby Macoucherie Rum Distillery for an intriguing look into the process of making one of the Caribbean’s famous exports. From harvest of sugar cane and an explanation of the 200-year-old process of extracting the sugar, to fermentation techniques and aging the product in oak barrels, we learn it all. We are even offered complimentary samples (including a 128 proof local favourite!) … oh well, it’s 5 o'clock somewhere!

Dinner this evening is at a local beach bar, situated on the black volcanic sands of Salisbury Beach, a short walk from our hotel. Frequented by locals, this little outdoor spot serves up a fantastic Haitian-inspired seafood boil, or ‘shattoo’ (stew) and banana peze (fried green plantains). We may even be treated to a spot of night birding, as Yellow-crowned Night Herons are common in this area.
Accommodations on Dominica (B,L,D)

Day 12: Dominica | Martinique

After a sumptuous breakfast of fresh fruit and a selection of hot dishes, we board our flight to the French Overseas Territory of Martinique. By this stage in our travels, any prior belief that a visit to one island in the Lesser Antilles is akin to visiting another has vanished. The differences in topography and geology, along with the varied ethnicities, histories, and cultural differences of populations, ensure that a visit to these islands is very much an exploration of nine very individual and unique countries.
In the capital city of Martinique, Fort-de-France, games of boules play out on well-manicured pitches, and small cafes line the courtyards in a way unlike anything we have seen on previous islands, and is testimony to a very strong French influence. At our small, chic hotel, we spend a relaxing afternoon around the infinity pool before dining on a wonderful blend of French cuisine with Caribbean-Creole influence in the open air terrace facing the scenic Bay of Flamands.
Accommodations on Martinique (B,L,D)

Day 13: Martinique

This morning, with a packed breakfast in hand, we head for the stunning Carbet Mountain Range, the most ancient in the region and home to the spectacular single-island endemic, the Martinique Oriole. While in truly breath taking primary forest, we also look for Black-whiskered Vireo and Blue-headed Hummingbird (in case this delightful near-endemic hummer proved elusive in Dominica), as well as seeking the island's striking subspecies of rufous-hooded Yellow Warbler and Ruddy Quail Dove.

After a delightful picnic of French cheeses and cured meats, we relax on nearby picnic tables surrounded by babbling brooks and lush heliconias, before a short 30-minute flight takes us to the second of the French Caribbean islands we visit on this trip.

Our cottages on Guadeloupe, surrounded by swaying palms and flowering bougainvillea, offer the perfect setting for a pre-dinner cocktail.
Accommodations in Guadeloupe (B,L,D)

Day 14: Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe is a remarkable island, for its forests not only provide glimpses of some of the more secretive species rarely seen on other islands (normally shy Bridled Quail Dove and even more secretive Forest Thrush may be walking at our feet here!), but where one can also get very close views to a most curious endemic. The feeding habits of the Guadeloupe Woodpecker, the only woodpecker endemic to the Lesser Antilles, is quite unusual. Birds often dangle upside down while clinging to slender swinging branches and plucking ants from clusters of berries! Odd? Yes. But it certainly allows for fabulous looks!

The lush forests of Guadeloupe also represent a wintering and stopover site for a variety of migratory North American warblers, and we are likely to encounter American Redstart, Northern Waterthrush, Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Parula, and others. Lunch is at a local cafe specialising in French baguettes and pastries.

After a truly rewarding day of birding we take a short flight to Antigua and Barbuda.

Upon arrival in the early afternoon, our pre-arranged transport collects us and drives us to our quiet country inn nestled to the east of the capital of St. John’s. After check-in, we enjoy a stroll of the hotel grounds, which boast an array of tropical flora serving to attract Lesser Antillean Flycatcher and White-crowned Pigeon, amongst others. By keeping an eye in the skies overhead, we may also see the endemic subspecies (and smallest in the region) of Broad-winged Hawk.

Our accommodation is renowned for its rich repertoire of Caribbean cuisine, so in keeping with the rest of the meals on the trip, dinner is sure to be a treat!
Accommodations in Antigua (B,L,D)

Day 15: Antigua

Waking on sun-kissed Antigua, we make the ten-minute drive to the main port, where we embark on a day trip to the smaller sister of this twin island state, Barbuda. We soon find ourselves heading by boat across some of the most beautiful waters in the Caribbean Sea.

Once we arrive in Barbuda, one immediately sees the stark contrast between the heavily developed tourist destination of Antigua and this little visited island, where vast stretches of undisturbed beaches, sheltered coves, and dry coastal forests support a different cast of characters to those previously encountered on our trip. Our main goal here is the diminutive Barbuda Warbler, the island’s only endemic bird species. This charming warbler is perfectly at home in the dry scrub, and shares this habitat with species such as Common Ground Dove, Zenaida Dove, White-winged Dove, Black-faced Grassquit, Lesser Antillean Iguana, and (bizarrely) herds of feral donkey!

Barbuda is also home to the largest Magnificent Frigatebird colony in the entire Caribbean. These avian pirates are most commonly seen soaring high above the waves, carefully scanning the waters for food floating on the surface or stealing the catch of other seabirds. So it is a wonderful treat to board a dinghy that takes us across a shallow lagoon absolutely teeming with marine life (as evidenced by the hundreds of jellyfish of every shape and size clearly visible beneath us) and moors us literally within touching distance of nests, chicks, and adults. We spend half an hour in the presence of these incredible birds, observing their behaviour, and watching as squadrons of adults swoop in and return with food to their nest.

One is struck by the spectacular and unspoiled natural beauty of Barbuda while driving around the island. It is, quite literally, “postcard perfect.” The water is a glistening turquoise blue, and the colors of the sands effortlessly blend between brilliant whites and varying shades of pink. With some of the most untouched beaches in the Caribbean on either side of us, what better way to spend the rest of the day than at a “Robinson Crusoe-esque” beach bar enjoying a delicious local meal of mahi mahi, chicken, or fresh seafood, and swimming and snorkelling in shallow waters above which Royal, Roseate, Sandwich, and Least Tern soar. This truly is a case of birding in paradise!

On our return leg across the sun-kissed seas to Antigua, we have the opportunity for yet more dolphin and whale encounters.
Accommodations in Antigua (B,L,D)

Day 16: Antigua | Departures

We begin our final day with a leisurely buffet breakfast enjoyed on our hotel’s verandah. A short drive from our accommodation is one of Antigua's prime expanses of mangrove wetland, and we take full advantage of our last day in the islands with a morning’s birding session looking for overwintering shorebirds and resident herons. There may even be small numbers of the highly threatened West Indian Whistling-Duck roosting amongst the low-lying vegetation!

After lunch, we can enjoy the last of the tropical rays beside our hotel’s large pool, or take a short walk to one of Antigua’s 365 glistening white sand beaches, before the trip back home. Please schedule outgoing flights in the afternoon. (B)

  • Sunset in Antigua, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • Lesser Antillean Saltator, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • Mangrove Cuckoo, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • Accommodation in Grenada, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • Purple-throated Carib, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • Soufriere, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • South Point, Barbados, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • St. Lucia Oriole, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding
  • White-breasted Thrasher, Lesser Antilles Birding Tour, Naturalist Journeys, Lesser Antilles Endemics, Lesser Antilles Wildlife, Caribbean Birding

Cost of the Journey

Cost of the Journey is $TBD DBL / $TBD SGL, based on double occupancy, per person.

The tour price includes airport transfers, all flights between islands and internal ferry and boat charges, 14-night accommodations, all meals as stated in the itinerary, park admission fees, hotel and restaurant service charges, and guide fees.

Cost of the journey does not include airfare from your home to Barbados, or items of a personal nature, such as drinks from the bar, telephone, and local guide gratuities (at your discretion, we will give some guidelines).

Travel Details

Please plan to make air travel plans only after the minimum group size has been met. We will send you a confirmation email as soon as the trip has been confirmed.

Please plan to arrive by 1:00 PM at Grantley Adams International on March 25. Please plan departures from V.C Bird International Airport in Antigua after noon, on April 9. However, if it is easier or more convenient to fly back home from Barbados, an extra charge will be added for the flight from Antigua to Barbados.

  • Ryan Chenery - Caribbean Expert

    Ryan Chenery was born and raised in beautiful Barbados! Ryan’s first job on the island took him beneath the waves where he conducted coral reef surveys for the Bellairs Research Institute. Yet it wasn't long before his passion for birds and wildlife on terra firma saw him employed as Chief Naturalist and Eco-Guide Manager at the largest remaining mangrove wetland on Barbados (the Graeme Hall Nature Reserve), and later travelling further afield to conduct field research on birds and amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest and Ecuadorian Amazon.
    After being swept off his feet by a Yorkshire Lass, he followed her to England where he continued his passion for “all things birds" with employment at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Here he spent three years at the organization’s internationally renowned seabird reserve Bempton Cliffs, where highlights included kittiwake monitoring in gale-force winds and rescuing disoriented gannets by perching both he and the birds precariously on the edge of 300 ft cliffs - to better allow them to catch enough updraft to head back out to the North Sea! Subsequent employment in the UK saw Ryan take on the role of National Parks Officer at the North York Moors National Park – a position he held for 3 years before returning to Barbados to conduct multi-island wildlife trips full time. Ryan has enjoyed all of the wonderful roles he has undertaken across the globe, but his greatest passion remains leading wildlife adventures through the magical islands of the Lesser Antilles. The tiny island gems will always be his home and he loves nothing better than sharing the unique wildlife, vibrant cultures and untamed wildernesses that each island has to offer with nature enthusiasts from around the world. Oh, and the food, he absolutely loves the island food, and has even been known to also share this...occasionally!

    Photo credit: The Bajan Birder

    Other trips with Ryan Chenery - Caribbean Expert

  • Peg Abbott

    Peg Abbott is the owner and lead guide of Naturalist Journeys, LLC. She has been designing, guiding, and organizing natural history tours for more than 25 years, working for the National Audubon Society and other organizations before launching Naturalist Journeys, LLC in 1998. Her work has taken her from Alaska to Africa and Argentina, as well as many other locations around the world. She has conducted research on several bird and mammal species and keeps a close interest in Yellowstone and Mexican wolf reintroduction projects. Her interests include all aspects of natural history and geology. After 20 years in and around the Yellowstone area, Peg relocated in 2003 to the birding mecca of Portal, AZ.

    Photo credit: Carol Simon

    Other trips with Peg Abbott

Pace & Protocols +

Pace of the Tour & What to Expect You will receive a Schedule-at-a-Glance and list of Read more

Pace of the Tour & What to Expect

You will receive a Schedule-at-a-Glance and list of hotels (our eContact List) a few weeks before your departure. This will serve as an outline for each day and alert you to any recent changes made in the schedule or to our hotels, if needed.

Our journeys are set up to follow the rhythm of nature. Our focus is on birding and nature; we offer full, well-planned field days and often get up early for that magical time around dawn. We generally follow the published itinerary, but we stay flexible to the weather, wildlife opportunities and the interests of the group. Your guide will keep you apprised of the next day’s schedule at each evening meal, noting what to bring and what to prepare for. Questions and/or concerns are welcome.

The pace of our Naturalist Journeys tours is moderate; to fully participate you should be able to get in and out of vehicles several times a day, and walk 1-3 miles over uneven terrain. It is important to participate with a flexible attitude as adjustments may be made in our schedule to make the most of our time in the field or for other purposes at your guide's discretion. We are not a “listing” bird company that drills down on target species, but at times we do wait for those special species unique to the places we visit. During the day, we take time to stop for photos and for educational opportunities to learn about conservation projects, landscapes, and geology. We appreciate other taxa as well as birds, with mammals often the biggest draw but plants and butterflies are also very popular. Our clients often lend their own expertise to the mix.

We like to make meals a fun and memorable part of the experience, too. Breakfasts are often at hotels, and we carry snacks, fruit, and water in the vans each day. Lunches are a mix of picnics in the field (weather dependent) and a chance to dine with locals at small cafes and restaurants. For dinner, we pride ourselves in our homework to keep up with the best choices for dining, choosing restaurants with atmosphere that specialize in local foods. On occasion we keep dinner simple to go back out in the field for sunset wildlife viewing or night walks. In some remote locations, our choices are limited. If you are tired, room service for dinner may be an option you can choose.

Naturalist Journeys International Trips: Guide Role

Naturalist Journeys supports ecotourism and the development of excellent local guides. Once we know our international partners and guides well, we can send out small groups working directly with these trusted partners, adding a Naturalist Journeys guide to assist the local expert when we have a group of 6-7 or more. This helps us keep your costs down while retaining tour quality. The local guide is your main guide. You can expect your Naturalist Journeys guide to be well-researched and often they are experienced in the destination, but their role is not to be primary, it is to help to organize logistics, help you find birds, mammals, and interesting other species in the field, keep reports, help facilitate group interactions, and to keep the trip within Naturalist Journeys' style. Local guides live in the countries we travel to, know the destinations intimately, and are often the strongest force for conservation in their countries. They open many doors for us to have a rich experience.


Smoking is not permitted in any vehicle or in any situation where the group is participating in an activity together, such as a vehicle excursion or a guided walk. Please respect all designated smoking areas at hotels and restaurants.


As a courtesy to each other, we ask that all travelers please rotate seating. On international trips we may all be in one small bus, on some trips we are in vans, particularly the roomy Sprinter Vans when available. Some areas require us to be in smaller 4-wheel drive or safari vehicles. Rotation allows you to sit with different drivers and alternate front and back seating.

Photo Release & Sharing

We take many group photos and will share photos with the group. And after your tour, we will organize a chance to share photos via Dropbox or Google Photos. Please note that this is our policy and if you prefer to be excluded, we need to know ahead of your tour.

By registering for this tour, you agree to grant to Naturalist Journeys and its authorized representatives’ permission to record on photography film and/or video, pictures of my participation in the tour. You further agree that any or all of the material photographed may be used, in any form, as part of any future publications, brochure, or other printed materials used to promote Naturalist Journeys, and further that such use shall be without payment of fees, royalties, special credit or other compensation.

Travel Insurance

You are traveling in remote areas. Naturalist Journeys strongly recommends you have full medical and evacuation insurance from a company such as Allianz, for all international travel. If you do not have medical coverage or evacuation coverage on your existing travel insurance policy or for some reason elected not to take that out, we advise getting an evacuation plan with Global RescueWorld Nomads, Medjet, Allianz (they can do evacuation only) or a similar company. These plans are typically $300-$400 for a year for multiple destinations. This coverage may be a part of a larger Travel Insurance policy but can also be purchased on its own.


Please contact Naturalist Journeys by email at or telephone our office: (520) 558-1146 or toll free: (866) 900-1146 if you have any questions. Many thanks for traveling with us and we hope you enjoy your journey.


Photo credits: Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Keith Clarkson; Humpback Whales, Ryan Chenery; Green Turtle, Ryan Chenery; Fishing off of Montserrat, Ryan Chenery; Green-throated Carib, Sam Barone; Birding Group, Ryan Chenery; Accommodation in Barbados, Keith Clarkson; Barbados Green Monkey, Ryan Chenery; Beachside Dining, Ryan Chenery; Brown Booby, Yves-Jacques Rey Millet; Lesser Antillean Euphonia, Keith Clarkson; Imperial Parrot, Terry Anderson; Crossing the lagoon, Ryan Chenery; Golden Warbler, Beatrice Henricot; Grenada Flycatcher, Beatrice Henricot; Scaly-breasted Thrasher, Keith Clarkson; St. Vincent Amazon, Keith Clarkson; Blue-headed Hummingbird, Beatrice Henricot; Martinique Warbler, Beatrice Henricot; Plumbeous Warbler, Beatrice Henricot; Montserrat Oriole, Beatrice Henricot; West Indian Whistling-Duck, Yves-Jacques Rey Millet; Red-necked Amazon, Steve Kornfield; St. Lucia Oriole, Keith Clarkson; Sunset in Antigua, Ryan Chenery; View from balconies in St. Lucia. Ryan Chenery; Accommodations in St. Lucia, Esther Ferdinand; Sunset in Antigua, Ryan Chenery; Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, Keith Clarkson; Lesser Antillean Saltator, Beatrice Henricot; Mangrove Cuckoo, Keith Clarkson; Accommodation in Grenada, courtesy of the resort; Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Ryan Chenery; Purple-throated Carib, Mark Greenfield; Soufriere St. Lucia, Ryan Chenery; South Point Barbados, Ryan Chenery; St. Lucia Oriole, Keith Clarkson; White-breasted Thrasher, Keith Clarkson.


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