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- Know Before You Go
The Andes Mountains of Ecuador are a highly complex system of mountain-ridges and valleys, providing a great variety of habitats within a small geographic area. For decades, birders have recognized the region’s rich biodiversity; now lodgings at the Jocotoco Foundation Reserves make it possible to stay in incredible places with nature close at hand.
We stay in two Jocotoco Foundation reserves, at Buenaventura, in the foothills of the western side of the Andes, and at Tapichalaca, adjacent to the magnificent Podocarpus National Park on the upper montane from eastern Ecuador. The delightful Copalinga Lodge affords us access to the subtropical areas of Podocarpus National Park. Finally, we enjoy the windswept paramos of Cajas National Park.
At Buenaventura we have the chance to see the beautiful and scarce El Oro Parakeet, only discovered in 1980. Here we can also find the elusive and iconic Long-wattled Umbrellabird. At Tapichalaca Reserve we look for the stunning Jocotoco Antpitta, discovered only in 1997! We should see large mixed flocks of some of the most colorful tanagers on the continent. Peppered among the flocks are manakins, flycatchers, fruiteaters, becards, and more. The extension of Podocarpus National Park protects the largest remaining patches of Polylepis forest in south Ecuador, as well as the high terrain of the paramo. Perhaps (with luck) we find Spectacled Bear!

Tour Highlights
- Enjoy a lovely stay in Quito at the beginning and end of the tour. Here the feathered specialties are Scrub Tanager and Purple-collared Woodstar
- Visit Cajas National Park near Cuenca, where the upper paramo is dotted with over 250 lakes and patches of montane vegetation
- Explore the Jocotoco Foundation’s Buenaventura Reserve looking for the Ecuadorian endemic, El Oro Parakeet and the elusive Long-wattled Umbrellabird, as well as several other Chocoan and Tumbesian specialties
- Visit Tapichalaca Reserve looking for Jocotoco Antpitta, Golden-plumed Parakeet, White-capped Tanager, and Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan
- Explore the upper cloudforests of Podocarpus National Park in search of Giant Conebill, the endemic Bearded Guan, Rufous-capped Thornbill, and several Mountain-Tanagers
- Relax and enjoy great birding at Cabinas Ecologicas Copalinga, with hummingbird feeding frenzies right outside the dining room

Trip Itinerary
Itineraries are guidelines; variations in itinerary may occur to account for weather, road conditions, closures, etc. and to maximize your experience.
Tues., Mar. 4 : Arrivals in Quito
Itineraries are guidelines; variations in itinerary may occur to account for weather, road conditions, closures, etc. and to maximize your experience.
Welcome to Ecuador! You are met by one of our local operator’s staff on your arrival in Quito for a short drive to our hotel. Most flights arrive in the evening; many have dinner on the plane before landing, but if you arrive earlier, you can have dinner at our hotel.
Accommodations at the San Jose de Puembo Hotel
Wed., Mar. 5 : Flight to Guayaquil | Cajas National Park | Old Zamora-Loja Road | Catamayo Valley | Buenaventura Reserve
After breakfast, we are taken to the airport to our short flight to Guayaquil. Upon landing, we hit the road towards the cloud forest of southwestern Ecuador. We make several stops en route on the eastern slope while driving to Loja, plus stops on the dry valley towards El Oro province mountains. Lunch today is in the field. This long ride is well worth it; we have the chance to pick up Tumbesian endemics like Gray-cheeked Parakeet, Black-cowled Saltator, and Chapman’s Antshrike, and Chocoan endemics like Choco Toucan and Club-winged Manakin.
We arrive in the late afternoon to the Umbrella Bird Lodge and Buenaventura Reserve. This evening, we check the gardens and feeders on the property, which attract an array of hummingbirds that includes Green Thorntail, Violet-bellied Hummingbird, Emerald-bellied Woodnymph, White-necked Jacobin, and Green-fronted Brilliant. We enjoy these colorful creatures at close range!
Our lodgings are comfortable private rooms with private facilities. We love supporting the Jocotoco Foundation with our stay and find the lush forest a prime location that compensates for any lack of luxury. Our stay also benefits important work of the reserve, a place that you are sure to treasure.
Tonight we enjoy dinner at the Umbrellabird Lodge.
Accommodations at the Jocotoco Foundation’s Umbrellabird Lodge, Buenaventura Reserve (B,L,D)
Thurs., Mar. 6 : Umbrellabird Lodge | Buenaventura Reserve
Today we enjoy a full day birding at Umbrellabird Lodge. This lodge it is located at the union of two endemic bird areas, Choco and Tumbes. We enjoy a walk on a beautiful trail looking for the iconic Choco endemic and endangered, Long-wattled Umbrellabird; there is a lek on this trail and we take the time to understand more about the ecology and behavior of this endangered bird. We then enjoy a delicious local breakfast and all the activity at the fruit and hummingbird feeders. There are fruit trees around the main building where we can spot several species when feeding in a mixed flock.
This reserve was established in 2000, and through major efforts by the Jocotoco Foundation, it has grown to almost 4000 acres of cloud forest in this endangered region on the western Andean slope. Birding at this location is truly amazing — some of the best in South America. While walking trails here we should find spectacular birds, including Golden-headed Quetzal, the endemic Guayaquil Woodpecker, Bronze-winged Parrot and Red-masked Parakeet, Red-headed Barbet, and Scaled Fruiteater. We are sure to make time to watch the unusual behavior at the leks of Club-winged Manakin and the Long-wattled Umbrellabird.
Accommodations at Umbrellabird Lodge (B,L,D)
Fri., Mar. 7: Upper Buenaventura Reserve
Today we look for birds on the upper areas of the reserve. Our goals today are two Ecuadorian endemic and rare birds, El Oro Tapaculo and El Oro Parakeet. Additionally, we watch for other birds like Violet-tailed Sylph, Brown Inca, and Gorgeted Sunangel. This area is also the habitat for montane birds like Pacific Tuftedcheek, Flame-faced Tanager, Chocó Brushfinch, Ochre-breasted Tanager, and rare and endangered raptors like Gray-backed Hawk and Ornate Hawk-Eagle.
After lunch we look for birds of the lower areas of the reserve, like Ecuadorian Plumeleteer, Gartered Trogon, and Ochraceous Attila.
Accommodations at Umbrellabird Lodge (B,L,D)
Sat., Mar. 8 : Zamora | Copalinga
After breakfast we drive towards the western side of Zamora-Chinchipe province. We take our time and make several birding stops enn route. We enjoy a picnic lunch in the field at the upper part of Podocarpus National Park in the area named Cajanuma (+11000 feet).
After lunch we continue driving to Loja, adding birding stops on the old Loja-Zamora road. Here, we have the chance to spot birds like Paradise Tanager, Cliff Flycatcher, and Andean Cock-of-the-rock. Zamora county is the capital of the province; this region is key to our trip for adding tropical elements that extend into the Amazonian foothills. Copalinga Lodge, nestled in at 3000 feet above sea level here, is strategically situated in more open second-growth habitat with gardens and near the forest of the lower areas of Podocarpus National Park.
Our cabins are surrounded by gardens and feature private baths and balconies. At a comfortable elevation, we can explore trails right out our door to see orchids, bromeliads, and a host of colorful birds of the subtropical humid forest. Tanagers are particularly abundant; we look for Green and Gold, Blue-necked, Golden, Orange-eared, and Spotted Tanagers. There are also mixed flocks of the complex Furnarid clan: spinetails, foliage-gleaners, woodcreepers, and xenops. After a group dinner, enjoy the starry skies and revel in the peace and quiet of this unique part of the country.
Accommodation at Cabañas Ecológicas Copalinga, adjacent to Podocarpus NP (B,L,D)
Sun., Mar. 9 : Zamora | Bombuscaro-Podocarpus National Park | Copalinga
With coffee on the porch before breakfast, we find new hummingbirds right before our eyes. These include Wire-crested Thorntail, Violet-headed Hummingbird, Green Hermit, and Black-throated and Violet-fronted Brilliants. Breakfast is served within view of the birds. This morning we walk trails in the Bombuscaro section of Podocarpus National Park looking for two range-restricted species: The Coppery-chested Jacamar and Foothill Elaenia. Highland Motmot is the largest of its clan, and with luck we find Black-billed Treehunter probing on moss- and lichen-clad tree limbs.
Along a rushing stream we may find White-capped Dipper or possibly a pair of Torrent Duck. In lush forests, Black-streaked Puffbird and Lanceolated Monklet are sit-and-wait insect predators; with luck we might find one of earth’s more bizarre species, the Amazonia Umbrellabird, as well as fruiteaters and manakins.
In the afternoon we gather to discuss some the region’s rich biodiversity. On the afternoon we can pay a visit to neighborhood areas near Zamora to pick-up more Amazonian birds. Sunset finds us gathering in the common area of our lodge, sharing delights of the day, tales of other journeys, and yes, counting up our species! Enjoy a dinner of fresh local foods prepared by our hosts.
Accommodations at Cabañas Ecológicas Copalinga (B,L,D)
Mon., Mar. 10: Copalinga
The lodge itself holds a nice garden with abundant flowers and feeders where local hummingbirds frequent, including White-bellied Woodstar, Wire–crested Thorntail, Little Woodstar among others. Also around the cecropias, Blue–gray Tanager, Paradise Tanager, White-throated Toucan, possible Cock-of-the-Rock, Yellow–tufted Woodpecker among many others. Around mid day we will have time to rest and have lunch. In the afternoon, we have our best chance to see Gray Tinamu and other local birds while Capuchin Monkeys hang in the canopy above.
Accommodations at Cabañas Ecológicas Copalinga (B,L,D)
Tues., Mar. 11 : Travel Day to Tapichalaca Reserve | Birding en Route to Podocarpus National Park
After breakfast, we set off this morning for Tapichalaca, taking our time and birding along the way to try for more endemic birds on the dry Vilcabamba Valley, including Pacific Pygmy-Owl and Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant. We travel about 165 miles, crossing the eastern slopes of the Andes, visiting elfin forest and upper montane forest habitats. En route, we explore a river where we may find Plumbeous Rail. On the upper parts, tanagers like Golden-crowned Tanager and Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager are our goals and we keep our eyes peeled for more hummingbirds like Glowing Puffleg, Rufous-capped Thornbill, and Neblina Metailtail.
We arrive at the reserve and over the next few days we search for Jocotoco Antpitta, Golden-Plumed Parakeet, and White-capped Tanager. Tapichalaca is situated on eastern Andean slopes where it gains the influence of Amazonia (Marañon) species. On trails, we search for Golden-plumed Parakeet, the extremely rare Chestnut-crested Cotinga, and the uncommon Dusky Piha. Hummingbird feeders surround the main house, as does temperate cloud forest. With sunny weather, a kaleidoscope of butterflies may emerge. This tour supports conservation, and we are pleased that our use of the lodge benefits the reserve.
Our lodge is a two-story home with rooms and private baths.
Accommodations at Casa Simpson, Tapichalaca Reserve (B,L,D)
Wed., Mar. 12 : Tapichalaca Reserve
Today we work our way up from about 3,300 feet to 7,200 feet in upper montane forest, exploring new habitat from our first days. Just a few years ago, the Jocotoco Antpitta was discovered here; the Jocotoco Foundation was created to preserve this pristine area and its birds. The local reserve rangers feed this amazing bird every morning around 8:00 AM; we congregate in a special place designated to watch this very unique bird as it feeds. We also have the chance to watch other antpittas, like Chestnut-naped, Rufous, and Slate-crowned Antpittas. The trail to the anpitta feeding station is not difficult and well worth the walk. Other nice birds today include Golden-plumed Parakeet, White-capped Tanager, Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan, Turquoise Jay, Black-throated Tody-tyrant, Grass-green Tanager, Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager, and others.
Lunch today is at the reserve, and then in the afternoon we try one of the trails searching for more birds like Orange-banded Flycatcher.
Accommodations at Casa Simpson, Tapichalaca Reserve (B,L,D)
Thurs., Mar. 13: Loja-Sonesta
Our drive to Loja is beautiful as we take in scenic vistas of the convoluted ridges of the Andes. We may add Vermilion or Metallic-green Tanagers to our list, and we watch for Cliff Flycatcher in appropriate habitat. We cross a 9000-foot pass en route, entering the paramo habitat and then descending into a drier region and then Loja city. At higher elevation, we look for Paramo Seedeater, Mouse-colored Thistletail, and Marble- faced Bristle-tyrant.
In the afternoon, we enjoy some free time to explore this five-hundred-year-old city. Downtown there are several cathedrals and other historic buildings of note, surrounding several park-like squares. The Entrada a la Ciudad is a striking, almost medieval looking building that houses an art museum we can explore. Loja is capital of the province of the same name, and is a major economic center for the Southern Andes.
Accommodations at the Sonesta de Loja (B,L,D)
Fri., Mar. 14 : Cuenca | Don Chorreras
After breakfast, we head to Cuenca and our lodge, Dos Chorreras, at the buffer area of Cajas National Park (+11,000 feet). Last year our group stopped here for lunch and loved it so much we just had to add it to our accommodations for this tour!
After arriving at Dos Chorreras, we have a chance to stretch our legs and check the lodge’s for some feathered friends of the upper montane forests. We enjoy lunch at Dos Chorreras and then in the afternoon we have our first drive to the upper montane forest and paramos of Llaviucu on Cajas National Park. We begin to see some of the specialties as we make the climb, including the globally threatened Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan and the Ecuadorian endemic and globally endangered Violet-throated Metaltail. We also see wetland birds like Andean Ruddy-Duck and Ecuadorian Rail. After our first introduction to the forests and paramos of southern Ecuador, we head back to our cozy lodge for dinner and to go over our list for the day before turning in for the night.
Accommodations at Dos Chorreras Lodge (B,L,D)
Sat., Mar. 15: Cajas National Park | Dos Chorreras
Today we visit a different section of Cajas National Park. This 70,000 acre protected area, established in 1996 and just west of Cuenca, is dotted by over 250 lakes. In this extensive paramo’s grasslands and patches of Polypelis trees, we search for magnificent Tit-like Dacnis, Giant Conebill, Variable Hawk, Carunculated Caracara, and high elevation hummingbirds such as Rainbow Starfrontlet, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Shining Sunbeam, and Ecuadorian Hillstar.
On the picturesque lakes, we hope to find Andean Ruddy-Duck, Yellow-billed Pintail, and Andean Teal. We take time to examine the unique vegetation of the paramo; at this time of year many of the shrubs should be in bloom. Other plants grow close to the ground, exhibiting hairs and other adaptations to the often cold and wet climate. Spires of “Puya” bromeliads make perfect perches for Black-tailed Trainbearer, Giant Hummingbird, Stout-billed Cinclodes, and Paramo Ground-Tyrant. Several patches of Polylepis forest occur here as well, so we look for specialties of this habitat. This is a great area to bird and hike — atop the world of the southern Andes.
We lunch at Dos Chorreras again, then in the afternoon we can have the chance to visit Cajas National Park again to search for any specialties we may have missed this the morning. Dinner tonight is at Dos Chorreras.
Accommodations at Dos Chorreras Lodge (B,L,D)
Sun., Mar. 16: Dos Chorreras | Cuenca | Flight to Quito
We spend time this morning birding around the lodge, and then enjoying a city tour of Cuenca in the afternoon.
We return to Quito by 7:00 PM and enjoy a farewell dinner at our hotel. If anyone is new to Quito and would like additional time here, we are happy to make recommendations. Our final evening is at the hotel’s restaurant, where we enjoy a farewell dinner and celebrate our adventures in Ecuador.
Accommodations at Holiday Inn Quito Airport (B,L,D)
Mon., Mar. 17: Departures or Antisana Day Trip
For Those With Early Departures
You may depart today from the International airport at a time convenient for you; end of services. (B)
For Those With Late Departures
For those that depart late today, we can arrange a day trip for you to Antisana National Park for an additional cost. Please let us know if this is of interest to you.
Antisana Day Trip
After an early breakfast, we hit the road again for an introduction to the northern Andean paramos on Antisana Ecological Reserve. Here, we look for birds like Paramo Pipit and Many-striped and Streak-backed Canasteros, among others. Bonuses are the Andean Condor, Silvery Grebe, and Aplomado Falcon. Also, the localized and endangered Andean Ibis is one of the key species we watch for today. We enjoy a delicious lunch at Tambocondor, a small local farm with a great view of the rock walls were Andean Condors roost and nest. This place offers the chance to spot Giant Hummingbird, too!
After lunch, we head back to our hotel. Here we can arrange a day room for you to use prior to your flight; enjoy dinner before your transfer to the airport. If necessary, we can drop you directly at the airport on the way back from our Antisana outing. (B,L,D)
Cost of the Journey
The cost of the tour is per person based on occupancy: $5990 DBL / $6490 SGL, from Quito, Ecuador.
Tour price includes: 13 nights’ accommodations, airport transfers, and professional guide services. It also includes land transportation within Ecuador, park and reserve entrance fees, pre-departure information and services, miscellaneous program expenses, accommodation and meals at all lodges, private transport, and private bilingual bird/naturalist guide.
Cost of the Antisana day trip is $250 per person and includes meals, guide, park fees, and airport transfer.
Tour price does NOT include your international flights to Quito or your internal flights in Ecuador, though we do book the internal flights for you. This fee will not exceed $500 per person and if a saving occurs it will be passed on to you. The tour cost does not include items of a personal nature such as beverages from the bar, porterage, laundry, phone calls, or gift items. We also recommend a gratuity for maid service, and for our local drivers and guides, which is left to your discretion.
Travel Details
Please plan to make air travel plans only after the minimum group size has been met. We will send you a confirmation email as soon as the trip has been confirmed.
Arrival and Departure Airport: Mariscal Sucre International Airport (UIO), Quito Ecuador
Arrival Details: Plan flights to arrive March 4, 2025 at your leisure.
Departure Details: Plan flights to depart March 17, 2025 at your leisure.
Travel Tip: If you would like to arrive early you can book an early night at our first night tour hotel, the San Jose de Puembo Hotel. This is a modern hotel located in the downtown area of Quito, approximately 45 minutes from the airport (pending traffic). There are many shops, restaurants, and attractions in this area. There are also many small boutique hotels and B&B’s from economical to elegant. You can also explore the city by day while staying elsewhere. The airport is about 45 minutes outside of the city (depending on traffic) so if you wish to explore Quito, you may want to base there and return for the start of the tour. There are any number of small boutique hotels and B&B’s, from economical to elegant. You can also explore the city by day without going in to stay there. If you wish to stay in the downtown area, there is plenty to do! A visit to El Panecillo, a small volcanic hill located on the south side of Old Town, is worth it for the views of Quito and nearby volcanos on a clear day. Calle La Ronda, a cobbled pedestrian street in Old Town, is lined with galleries, traditional shops, and cafes. The Basilica del Voto Nacional is the largest neo-Gothic basilica in the Americas and one of many churches in Quito with stunning architecture. These sites and many others are a short taxi ride from the downtown area or walkable from the Old Town area. If staying downtown sounds appealing, we would recommend: La Casona de La Ronda Mercure Alameda Quito.
Entry Requirements: See "Essential Information" section under the "Know Before You Go" tab.
Browse below for trip reports and species lists from past versions of this and other tours from this destination.
- November 2017
- November 2018
- November 2019
- November 2022
- January 2023
- November 2023 (Birds & Mammals)
- December 2023 (Christmas Tour)
- March 2024
- November 2024 (Birds & Mammals)
- December 2024 (Christmas Tour)
Rick Weiman
Rick lives in Oakland, NJ with his wife Patricia and two adult children, Jack and Annabel. Rick has led birding trips for a number of years as a volunteer for various local nonprofits, and for Oakland residents in his town's 40-acre Great Oak Park. For over 30 years he has counted birds on annual big days to raise dollars for endangered species recovery efforts in his home state. His passion for conservation started during his college years at Rutgers where he majored in Biology, and he has been a trustee of the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ since 2000. His volunteer and fundraising efforts for The Raptor Trust, the largest wild bird rehabilitation center on the east coast, resulted in his addition to their board of trustees in 2018. One of his favorite areas to visit is Central America and he has hosted tours for Naturalist Journeys in Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, and Belize. In his spare time besides birding, Rick enjoys playing street hockey, fishing, and visiting the jersey shore, especially Cape May.
Photo credit: Hugh Simmons
Other trips with Rick Weiman
Morocco: Birding & Nature
CLOSED - Check out Zambia Wildlife Safari!April 1 - 15, 2025 -
Cape May: Spring Migration
FULL - See our fall departures!May 13 - 19, 2025 -
New Hampshire's Mt. Washington
Warblers & Bicknell's ThrushJune 4 - 10, 2025 -
Panama: Three Great Lodges
July 6 - 18, 2025 -
Olympic Peninsula Fall Explorer
FULL - Check out Vancouver Island: Coastal Birds, Bears & Whales!September 4 - 11, 2025 -
Cape May: Fall Migration
October 7 - 13, 2025 -
Cape May: Fall Migration
October 14 - 20, 2025 -
Southeast Arizona: Sky Island Fall Sampler
November 2 - 9, 2025
Essential Information +
Pace & Protocols +
Packing List +
Suggested Reading List +
Useful Links +
Photo credits: Banners: Marketplace by Peg Abbott; Spectacled Bear, courtesy Neblina Forest; Jocotoco Antpitta by Carlos Sanchez; Choco Toucan by Peg Abbott; Dusky-headed Parakeets by Greg Smith; Yellow-rumped Cacique by Bud Ferguson; Sparkling Violetear by Peg Abbott; Coati by Carlos Sanchez; Gray Tinamou by Carlos Sanchez; Immature Tiger Heron, Naturalist Journeys Stock; Sunbittern, Naturalist Journeys Stock; Butterflies by Carlos Sanchez; Birding Ecuador by Woody Wheeler; Naturalist Journeys Group in Ecuador, Naturalist Journeys Stock; Spectacled Bear, courtesy of Neblina Forest; Grass-green Tanager, Peg Abbott; Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Naturalist Journeys Stock; Chestnut-crowned Antpitta, Greg Smith; Andean Potoo, Miguel Lezama, courtesy Neblina Forest; Andean Cock-of-the-rock, Miguel Lezama, courtesy Neblina Forest; Violet-headed Hummingbird, Peg Abbott; Torrent Duck, Peg Abbott; Choco Toucan, Peg Abbott; Coati, Carlos Sanchez; White-necked Jacobin, Sandy Sorkin; Butterflies, Carlos Sanchez; Slate-crowned Antpitta, Greg Smith; Green Honeycreeper, Naturalist Journeys Stock; Plumbeous Rail, Peg Abbott; Jocotoco Antpitta, Carlos Sanchez; Butterfly, Carlos Sanchez; Andean Scenic, courtesy Neblina Forest; Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan, Naturalist Journeys Stock; Giant Hummingbird, Carlos Sanchez; Bromeliads, Naturalist Journeys Stock; Dos Chorreras Dining Room, courtesy hosteriadoschorreras.com; Jocotoco Antpitta, courtesy Neblina Forest; Green Honeycreeper, courtesy Neblina Forest; Violet-bellied Hummingbird, courtesy Neblina Forest; Green Thorntail, courtesy Neblina Forest; Blue-winged Mountain Tanager, Ruth Guillemette; Cinnamon Flycatchers, Ruth Guillemette; Glistening-green Tanager, Ruth Guillemette; Golden-breasted Grosbeak, Ruth Guillemette; Red-headed Barbet, Ruth Guillemette; Rose-faced Parrot, Ruth Guillemette; Rufous Motmot, Ruth Guillemette; Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Ruth Guillemette; Scrub Tanager, Ruth Guillemette; Torquoise Jay, Ruth Guillemette.