Naturalist Journeys offers personalized St. Vincent birding tours and St. Vincent nature tours. See stunning endemic and regionally endemic birds, and enjoy the Caribbean away from the typical tourist hype on St. Vincent, where you can enjoy pleasant lodgings, birding, snorkeling, and hiking. Talk with our travel planners about designing an Independent Birding Venture here. St. Vincent pairs well with a trip to Trinidad & Tobago.

In addition to personalizing a St. Vincent bird watching tour for you, Naturalist Journeys is happy to help you plan other independent nature travel, whether you want to embark on a Caribbean birding tour or even a personalized Central American birding tour.

Guided Group Tours

Group travel is rewarding and fun! With more eyes you see more species. Travel Planners of Naturalist Journeys have been creating memorable journeys for 40+ years. We offer you small-group birding and nature tours, limited to just 8-13 persons led by expert guides. Learn and explore with like-minded people, enjoy local food and culture, and immerse yourself in birding and nature.


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